The Democrat who still hasn’t conceded or acknowledged her election defeat two years ago is not claiming that Republicans do not know how to win “without voter suppression.”

Stacey Abrams, the failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate from 2018, has become Hillary Clinton 2.0.

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During an interview Monday evening on CNN, Abrams kicked things off by claiming she had lost the race to then-Secretary of State Brian Kemp in the gubernatorial race in 2018 because of voter suppression.

Then, she said: “Republicans do not know how to win without voter suppression as one of their tools.”

CNN anchor Jim Sciutto prompted Abrams’ remark by saying, “I want to ask you a big picture question here because, you know, the president still denies the outcome of this election and Republicans around the country drawing on that to already begin writing up voting restrictions, right, to bring back some of the voter expansion measures we saw in this cycle, including mail-in ballots, et cetera. Do you see that effort ticking up again after this cycle in state legislatures around the country where, frankly, Republicans have an enormous advantage? And, if so, what are you going to do about it?”

“We’re going to do what we’ve been doing, which is we are going to work to mitigate voter suppression,” Abrams claimed. “You are absolutely right that when voter suppression was put on its heels in the 2020 election, through the work of Fair Fight 2020 and other organizations around the country, we saw voters turn out in record numbers and in record composition in Michigan, in Wisconsin, in Pennsylvania, in Arizona, here in Georgia.”

Abrams added, “When we create access to the right to vote for eligible citizens, more people participate. And Republicans do not know how to win without voter suppression as one of their tools. That’s why we see True the Vote down here in Georgia challenging 364,000 voters nine days before — eight days before the election because voter suppression is their modus operandi.”


Earlier this month, the Daily Wire reported:

Stacey Abrams’ voter registration group, The New Georgia Project, is one of three such organizations now under investigation by the Georgia Secretary of State amid concerns that certain voting rights groups were “seeking to ‘aggressively’ register ‘ineligible, out-of-state, or deceased voters’ before the state’s Jan. 5 Senate runoff election,” according to Fox News.

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, Fox News says, is concerned that activist organizations who worked to impact the presidential election are hard at work ahead of the runoff election, and Raffensperger has “issued warnings against efforts to register individuals who are ineligible to vote in Georgia’s runoff elections or to encourage people to come to Georgia with the sole purpose of casting ballots.”

“Raffensperger’s office on Wednesday said the investigations are into groups including America Votes, Vote Forward and The New Georgia Project — which was founded by Abrams and previously chaired by Democratic Senate candidate Raphael Warnock,” the outlet continued.

“I have issued clear warnings several times to groups and individuals working to undermine the integrity of elections in Georgia through false and fraudulent registrations,” the Georgia Secretary of State’s office said in a statement on Wednesday. “The security of Georgia’s elections is of the utmost importance.”

Here’s the best part.

After losing her 2018 election in the gubernatorial race, Abrams and her voter initiative Fair Fight Action sued the state of Georgia over alleged racially-motivated voter suppression. 

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For starters, she lost her lawsuit.

Secondly, her own lawsuit condemned legislation that Abrams herself helped pass as a member of the Georgia General Assembly.
