No doubt 2020 was a very strange year in so many ways, but it’s also been a good year, politically.

No, we’re not kidding. 

How so? Because this year – perhaps due to several current events like responses to coronavirus, the ongoing riots, and decisions to allow fans to put cardboard cut-outs of themselves in seats at MLB games – more Republican candidates are stepping up to challenge Democrats in traditional blue cities and districts.

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And making fantastic campaign videos in the process.

Take Kim Klacik, for instance. She sported a sexy red dress and matching high heels while strutting through dilapidated and chronically poverty-stricken portions of Baltimore – part of the district she is running to serve and which has been in Democrat hands for decades – to point out the systemic failures of the party. 

She has since followed up that bombshell ad with another, similar production in which she continues to provide visual evidence of systemic Democratic failure – only in a sexy white dress.

Meanwhile, in Nevada, a former WWE wrestling star is making his bid for the state’s 3rd Congressional District against an incumbent Democrat. And boy, what a campaign ad he put together – which spoofs the hilarious movie “The Hangover.”


The Daily Caller notes:

Republican Nevada congressional candidate Dan Rodimer left the wrestling [ring] and promised to “knock some common sense into Washington” in a wild new ad.

Rodimer, a former WWE wrestler better known as “Big Dan,” began by comparing the results of years of Democratic policies to a hangover — and promised to change things in an ad that featured both a live chicken and a live tiger.

In the ad, Rodimer woke up “hung over” in a room full of empty liquor bottles sporting labels such as “riots and looting,” “defund the police,” “war on small businesses” and “socialism.”

“America is Hungover from Democrat Policies. I have had enough. I used to fight heavyweights in the ring, now I’m ready to fight for all of Nevadans. That’s why I’m running for Congress. Please HELP ME knock some common sense into Washington!” he added on a Twitter post including his video ad.

“What happened, America? How did we get here? What has our government gotten us into?” Rodimer, who is running for Nevada’s 3rd Congressional District, ays in the ad. “This is terrifying. America is hungover from Democrat policies.”

“I used to take on heavyweights in the ring,” Rodimer continued as he walked out onto the streets of Las Vegas. “Now I’m ready to knock some common sense into Washington.”

He then criticized the state’s Democrats for allowing the casinos in Vegas to open up while still preventing people from attending religious services in church, and also for letting the big Vegas hotels reopen while keeping small businesses closed because they’re ‘non-essential.’

“It’s dirty politicians who get to determine what’s essential and what isn’t,” he added.

He went on to blast his opponent, incumbent Democratic Nevada Rep. Susie Lee, over her vote for millions to bail out her own casino, calling her a “cheap knock-off version of Nancy Pelosi.”

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“I’m going to fight for my family like I’m going to fight for your family,” Rodimer concluded, shouting, “God bless Nevada, and God bless America!”

We don’t know if either Klacik or Rodimer are going to win, but without a doubt, they have put together some outstanding political videos that should make voters ask themselves if they want to maintain the failed Democrat status quo or go a different way for a change.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.