As votes for Joe Biden continue to magically appear in battleground state after battleground state days after the Tuesday general election, Team Trump and Team GOP is fighting back against perceived voter fraud with every legal tool at their disposal.

While the Trump campaign files legal challenges, state Republicans are doing the same. But also, they are imploring the Attorney General William Barr and prosecutors at the Justice Department to get off their duffs and respond to valid complaints and instances of vote fraud.

That includes the Nevada GOP, which has sent thousands of criminal referrals to the DoJ this week, each containing an instance of voter fraud.

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“Our lawyers just sent a criminal referral to AG Barr regarding at least 3,062 instances of voter fraud,” the Nevada GOP said on Twitter. “We expect that number to grow substantially. Thousands of individuals have been identified who appear to have violated the law by casting ballots after they moved from NV.”

Under Nevada law, only military members and students can vote after leaving the state.

“Of course, voter fraud is a serious federal felony, one that cuts to the heart of representative democracy,” said the letter, shared on Twitter by Tim Murtaugh, communications director for President Donald Trump’s campaign. “We understand that these are serious allegations and we do not make them lightly.”

The Western Journal adds:

In a separate letter to a lawyer representing Clark County, which includes Las Vegas, the Republican Party said it expects the list of those who voted after leaving the state to reach about 6,000 names.

Nevada Republicans further noted that they had identified instances of people under age 18 casting mail-in ballots.

Gov. Steve Sisolak, a Democrat, pushed back against the allegations and said he had “the utmost confidence in the abilities of Nevada’s local election officials and Secretary of State Barbara Cegavske to accurately count every eligible vote cast in the Silver State,” according to Fox News.

“Our election administration officials are required to keep counting under state law and that is exactly what they’ll do until every vote is counted. Despite national pressure, our election officials and public servants continue to prioritize accuracy and fairness in this process. That should make all Nevadans proud,” Sisolak said.

The last party that has any credibility at all right now when it comes to vote integrity is the Democrat Party. And Nevada may be one of the worst violators; the state was well on its way to finishing its count long before Friday but suddenly decided to stop Thursday – why? 

Maybe because Donald Trump was running away with a blue state prize?

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Meanwhile, GOP congressional candidates in Nevada also filed a complaint Thursday with the U.S. District Court of Nevada against Secretary of State Barbara Cegavske over the use of an allegedly flawed signature verification system, voter fraud, and denial of access to vote counting, the Washington Examiner reported.

“Irregularities have plagued the election in Clark County, including lax procedures for authenticating mail ballots and over 3,000 instances of ineligible individuals casting ballots. Ballots have even been cast on behalf of deceased voters. Moreover, the public has often been prohibited from observing the processing of mail ballots, resulting in much of their work being done in the shadows without public accountability,” the lawsuit says.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.