The January 6 “insurrection” at the Capitol Building in Washington DC was a protest that went way too far. Why officers were allowing people to enter the building still makes little sense.

Then again, not a single person has actually been charged for “insurrection.” That’s a problem, considering Democrats continue to frame the narrative that way.

What’s key, though, is that all liberals are hypocritical in ways that can only be described as comical.

From Breitbart:

As the media fawned over House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) commemorating the January 6 Capitol Hill riot on Thursday, few remembered when she praised protesters who stormed the Wisconsin State Capitol in 2011.

Over a decade ago, in the February of 2011, unionists stormed the Wisconsin State Capitol to prevent a vote on collective bargaining reform – the Act 10 protests. As Fox News noted, “thousands of demonstrators managed to enter the building by violently breaking down doors and shattering windows.”


Here are the tweets Nancy sent back in 2011…


There are too many things wrong with Pelosi to fit into this post. At the top of the list, she’s pro-abortion yet calls herself Catholic – just like crazy Joe Biden.

It’s as if this woman was put on the planet just to annoy conservatives. And if that’s the case, she’s killing it.

From The Daily Wire:

Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (CA) added to the already deep divide in our nation during a online meeting with constituents in San Francisco on Saturday, claiming the Trump supporters who breached the Capitol on Wednesday chose their “whiteness over democracy.”

Pelosi said, “When that assault was taking place on the Capitol, 3,865 people in our country died of the coronavirus, many of them people of color because of the injustice of it all. The next day, on Thursday, 4,000 people died of the coronavirus. Why? Because decisions were made at the highest level, months before in the Oval Office, of denial, distortion, delay, calling it a ‘hoax.’

She added, “I thought it was going to be an epiphany for those who were in opposition of our democracy to see the light. Instead, it was an epiphany for the world to see that there are people in our country, led by this President, for the moment, who have chosen their whiteness over democracy. That’s what this is about.”

Democrats love them some “democracy” when it’s convenient. Yet, they have no problem censoring anybody who disagrees with them.

Classic liberal logic, right there.

If President Trump was an accessory to murder for inciting violence on at the Capitol building, then wouldn’t countless Democrats be accessories for all the slayings and beatings and censorship of conservatives over the years?

Double standard much, Nancy?

Check this out, via The Daily Wire:

In an interview with MSNBC’s Joy Reid Wednesday, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) suggested that now-former President Donald Trump could be held as an “accessory” to murder for “instigating” an “insurrection” at the United States Capitol.

Pelosi, who presided over a vote to impeach Trump a second time but has yet to send the article of impeachment to the Senate for a trial, told Reid that she believed Trump directly encouraged rioters to attack the United States Capitol building and that Trump bears responsibility for the five deaths that happened as a result.

Nancy barked, “When we talk about ‘did any of our colleagues collaborate?’ Well, that remains to be seen. We have to get the evidence of that. And if they did, they would be accessory to the crime. And the crime, in some cases, was murder.”

She added, “And this president is an accessory to that crime because he instigated that insurrection that caused those deaths and this destruction.”

