According to a new poll conducted by Monmouth University, 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden is slipping big time.

The former Vice President has maintained a strong lead among Democrats since he announced his candidacy but according to the Monmouth Poll, Biden has slipped to third place with 19% support. He trails Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders who are both polling at 20%.

“Biden has suffered an across the board decline in his support since June. He lost ground with white Democrats (from 32% to 18%) and voters of color (from 33% to 19%), among voters without a college degree (from 35% to 18%) and college graduates (from 28% to 20%), with both men (from 38% to 24%) and women (from 29% to 16%), and among voters under 50 years old (from 21% to 6%) as well as voters aged 50 and over (from 42% to 33%). Most of Biden’s lost support in these groups shifted almost equally toward Sanders and Warren,” the Monomouth poll said.

“The main takeaway from this poll is that the Democratic race has become volatile. Liberal voters are starting to cast about for a candidate they can identify with. Moderate voters, who have been paying less attention, seem to be expressing doubts about Biden. But they are swinging more toward one of the left-leaning contenders with high name recognition rather than toward a lesser known candidate who might be more in line with them politically,” director of the independent Monmouth University Polling Institute Patrick Murray said. He continued: “It’s important to keep in mind this is just one snapshot from one poll. But it does raise warning signs of increased churning in the Democratic nomination contest now that voters are starting to pay closer attention.”

Biden has been his own worst enemy on the campaign trail considering the former Vice President can’t seem to make it an entire day without an embarrassing gaffe or misstatement.

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During a campaign stop in New Hampshire over the weekend, Biden seemed to forget what state he was in.

“I’ve been here a number of times … I love this place,” Biden said. “Look, what’s not to like about Vermont in terms of the beauty of it?”

He also urged voters NOT to vote for him if they are concerned about his age. “I say if they’re concerned, don’t vote for me,” Biden said while talking to reporters New Hampshire. A reporter later asked if Biden thought he had lost a step and Biden answered: “What do you think?”

The former Vice President also tried to make it clear that he was not going crazy. While talking to the crowd, Biden forgot where he last spoke at.

“I want to be clear, I’m not going nuts,” Biden blurted out after he couldn’t remember where at Dartmouth he spoke at.

“I’m not sure whether it was the medical school or where the hell I spoke. But it was on the campus,” he added.

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