Just as much of the so-called “science” surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic appears to have been politicized by Democrats practically from the outset, so, too, have other scientific ‘studies’ whose leftist authors are focused only on one ‘finding’: Exonerating like-minded people and entities.

For years, conservatives have been screaming about the bias in social media, all major platforms of which are run by raging leftists who only grew angrier and more punitive with right-leaning users throughout the Trump administration. It’s not even speculation anymore: After big tech deplatformed the only real rival they’ve ever had, Parler, it’s laughable for anyone to even suggest that left-wing bias doesn’t exist at Facebook, Twitter, Google, and Apple.

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Oh, but now we have a new ‘study’ that ‘proves’ what conservatives have been seeing with their own eyes on social media isn’t really happening. And we should believe it, even though the study was funded by a big Biden bundler.

The Daily Caller has more:

A study from New York University released on Monday that dismisses conservative allegations of Big Tech bias and calls for President Joe Biden to establish a Digital Regulatory Agency was funded by Craig Newmark, a billionaire tech titan who donated $100,000 to Biden’s campaign victory fund.

The study, entitled “False Accusation: The Unfounded Claim that Social Media Companies Censor Conservatives,” also defends decisions by Facebook and Twitter to both ban President Donald Trump from their platforms last month, and to limit circulation of a story from The New York Post weeks before the election about emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop.

The report says that Facebook and Twitter made “reasonable decisions” in both instances.

It also states that the New York Post story about Biden’s laptop was based on “stolen material,” a claim that Hunter Biden himself has not made.

“The false bias narrative is an example of political disinformation, meaning an untrue assertion that is spread to deceive. In this instance, the deception whips up part of the conservative base, much of which already bitterly distrusts the mainstream media,” says the study, which was conducted by Paul M. Barrett and J. Grant Sims of the NYU Stern School of Business.

Therefore, conservatives’ allegations of bias are based on “distortions and falsehoods,” Barrett and Sims conclude.


Robert Epstein, the Senior Research Psychologist at the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology, and a liberal, begs to differ. He’s studied this issue at length and he has concluded for years that, based on documentable and, importantly, replicable evidence that not only is there big tech bias against conservatives, but that the major platforms have the ability to change the outcomes of elections and have done so (talk about ‘election meddling’).

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“Our research leaves a little doubt about whether Google has the ability to control voters. In laboratory and online experiments conducted in the United States, we were able to boost the proportion of people who favored any candidates by between 37 and 63 percent after just one search session,” he concluded in 2019. “The impact of viewing biased rankings repeatedly over a period of weeks and months would undoubtedly been larger.”

And let’s not forget the whistleblowers at Google and elsewhere who have come and said that, yes, there is left-wing bias at these major tech platforms (here, here, and here).

So much for Biden donor studies.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.