An explosive new survey has delivered bad news to Democrats who have claimed for many years that voter ID laws are racist and a form of voter suppression.

According to a new poll from Rasmussen Reports, a whopping 74 percent of voters support voter ID requirements.

The poll also found that 90 percent of American voters are concerned with election cheating.

The report added:

Voters overwhelmingly believe it’s important to prevent cheating in elections and agree that requiring photo identification is a reasonable measure to ensure election integrity.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 90% of Likely U.S. Voters think it is important to prevent cheating in elections, including 79% who say it’s Very Important.

Only seven percent (7%) of voters believe it’s not important to prevent election cheating.

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A report from the Crime Prevention Research Center summarized more of the findings:

Among the most interesting [results] is that 72% of black likely voters and 79% of those who are neither white nor black support photo voter IDs. Indeed, support among whites and blacks is virtually identical. Regarding the claim that voter IDs discriminate again, the poor and least educated show the highest levels of support: 79% of those who attended high school but didn’t graduate, and 78% of those earning less than $30,000 per year. Even a plurality of Democrats (61%), liberals (48%), those who strongly approve of Biden (54%), and those who think that it is “not at all important” support photo voter IDs (48%). The only groups that don’t support it are those who believe that preventing cheating in elections is “not very important” (23%) and those who are “unsure” of their level of education (28%).

By a wide margin, likely voters suspect the motives of those who oppose photo voter IDs, with 42% of likely voters saying that they “strongly agree” and another 18% “somewhat agree” that “opponents of requiring a photo ID to vote just want to make it easy to cheat in elections.” Only 19% strongly disagree or 10% somewhat disagree with the statement. Even voters in heavily Democratic groups are suspicious of the motives: a majority of blacks (63%), other race (61%), Democrats (50%), those earning less than $30,000 (50%), and those who attended high school but didn’t graduate (61%).

Another Rasmussen poll found that most voters agree with Donald Trump on the need for state election reforms.

The poll found that 61 percent of likely voters agree with a statement Trump issued on his website, which said: “Election Reform must happen in Swing States like Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, Wisconsin, and Arizona where voters have lost confidence in their electoral process.”

Rasmussen reported:

-That includes 42% who Strongly Agree. Thirty-four percent (34%) of voters disagree with Trump’s statement, including 25% who Strongly Disagree.

-The percentage of voters agreeing with Trump’s statement was larger than those agreeing with a quote from a recent speech by Biden, who said America is “facing the most significant test of our democracy since the Civil War.” Fifty-six percent (56%) agree with Biden, including 33% who Strongly Agree.

-Thirty-seven percent (37%) disagree with Biden, including 26% who strongly disagree.

Late last month, a poll found that one-third of Americans believe that Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election because of fraud, according to a new Monmouth University poll.

The poll found that 32 percent of respondents believe fraud was the reason Biden won the presidential election.

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Sixty-three percent of GOP voters and Republican-leaning voters say that Biden was not legitimately elected president.

The Monmouth poll found that 14 percent said they will never accept Biden as the legitimate president.

Thirty-three percent of respondents said they believe efforts by state legislatures to audit the results of the 2020 election are legitimate.
