The American people are so confused about the COVID-19 pandemic they don’t even know some of the most basic things related to the disease and its outbreak in the United States.

And the blame for this can be laid directly at the feet of the blow-dried, perfumed princes and princesses of the elitist media, whose job it is to inform Americans about such things but who have obviously failed miserably in their primary duty.

A new survey and analysis from Franklin-Templeton Gallup revealed “three powerful and surprising insights,” according to the firm:

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  2. — Americans still misperceive the risks of death from COVID-19 for different age cohorts—to a shocking extent;

    — The misperception is greater for those who identify as Democrats, and for those who rely more on social media for information; partisanship and misinformation, to misquote Thomas Dolby, are blinding us from science; and

    — We find a sizable “safety premium” that could become a significant driver of inflation as the recovery gets underway.

  4. “Six months into this pandemic, Americans still dramatically misunderstand the risk of dying from COVID-19,” the firm noted further:
  6. — On average, Americans believe that people aged 55 and older account for just over half of total COVID-19 deaths; the actual figure is 92%.
  7. — Americans believe that people aged 44 and younger account for about 30% of total deaths; the actual figure is 2.7%.
  8. — Americans overestimate the risk of death from COVID-19 for people aged 24 and younger.

Maybe now it makes more sense that Left-wing teacher’s unions are claiming ‘the science’ is forcing them to oppose school reopenings: They’ve been getting the bulk of their ‘news’ about coronavirus from meatheads and political hacks at CNN, MSNBC, the Washington Post, and The New York Times.

Meanwhile, the data appear to clearly show that conservative news consumers who get their information from outlets like ours are much better informed about COVID-19 realities and truths.

“These results are nothing short of stunning. Mortality data have shown from the very beginning that the COVID-19 virus age-discriminates, with deaths overwhelmingly concentrated in people who are older and suffer comorbidities,” Franklin-Templeton analyst Sonal Desai, Ph.D., wrote. 

“This is perhaps the only uncontroversial piece of evidence we have about this virus. Nearly all US fatalities have been among people older than 55; and yet a large number of Americans are still convinced that the risk to those younger than 55 is almost the same as to those who are older.”

If there is a better example of media failure and bias, we’d like to see it. 

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Here’s something else to consider. The media’s utter failure to correctly report on this novel coronavirus has had direct negative impact on the lives of hundreds of millions of Americans, scores of which have lost businesses, lost their life savings after being laid off from a job, or lost their lives or the lives of loved ones who were too afraid to venture out and seek medical treatment during the height of the outbreak.

And not a single one of those fools will be held accountable for the fabrications they published.

It’s way past time to get our country opened back up. It’s also way past time to stop paying any mind to the hacks and liars who call themselves mainstream ‘journalists.’


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.