Well, this is disgusting!

Apparently, New York City has learned nothing and doesn’t seem like it will from the state of Florida and Governor Desantis.

The indoctrination of children by the far, far left is in full effect in the decaying Big Apple. Sadly there is no one to protect the children as there is in the Sunshine State.

So what’s up? According to the New York Post:

New York City school kids are learning their AOCs.

A book intended for 10- and 11-year-olds — which glorifies socialist Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and her far-left “Squad,” knocks religion, and mocks Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell – is being distributed to public school libraries, parents told The Post.

The book, “What You Don’t Know: A Story of Liberated Childhood,” was written and illustrated by Brooklynite Anastasia Higginbotham and appears on a fifth-grade independent reading list labeled “Universal Mosaic.” The DOE’s new Mosaic curriculum is supposed to kick off next year.

The picture book centers on a black child who talks about fitting in at school and church and a friend “who’s queer like me.”

First of all, what’s a “liberated childhood”? Most 10-11-year-olds are still struggling with whether to eat boogers or not. They don’t need to be liberated. Quite the contrary, children that age need structure, discipline, and values instilled. They don’t need indoctrination. Unless of course, they live in a leftist “paradise” like New York City.

The boy, named Demetrius, is shown in a church where he says, “Churches can preach all they want about love — the only thing that I feel when I’m here is shame.”

The boy’s spirit meets Jesus – who is apparently a Democrat — and who tells him “everyone is invited to love and be loved.” The distressed looking boy points to an unnamed white man — a McConnell lookalike — and says, “Even — ?” Jesus replies “Yes.”

Higginbotham, in a reading of the book posted to YouTube, confirmed that the unnamed white man is, indeed, McConnell and they are at Catholic church.

“That’s Mitch McConnell. And the child wants to know if even Mitch McConnell is invited to love and be loved considering all the harm he is causing,” she said.

Really? Firstly, what harm is McConnell causing? Secondly, if you can come up with anything, why does an 11-year-old need to be brought into the loop? Thirdly, if it is, in fact, a Catholic Church, I’m sure Jesus would want to have a discussion with Democrats on their stance on abortion. That’s for another time though.

The Post goes on:

The narrative later goes on to preach that “We will rewrite the rules we live by and love the world into balance,” accompanied by an illustration of the boy watching television with his parents. Depicted on the TV screen, and named in the book, are “U.S. Representatives Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley, Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez.”

So we are using four of the most despicable, anti-American, and in some cases anti-Semitic politicians in Washington to sell a book about tolerance and love?

Please excuse me while my head explodes.

Thankfully there are still parents paying attention:

One Staten Island mom said she thought the book was anti-Catholic and that with its mix of religion and politics “has no place in the classroom.”

“It’s a horrible book,” the mom said.

The “author”, Anastasia Higginbotham, clearly a virtue-signaling white woman with an agenda, has published other page-turners such as “Not My Idea,” about a child who “connects to the opportunity and their responsibility to dismantle white supremacy”, and “The Bell Rang” for kindergartners that discusses slavery, and “I’m Not a Girl,” about being transgender, which was on a first-grade reading list.

Need any more excuses to consider homeschooling?

America 2022 folks. Time to pay attention to the propaganda being pushed on our kids!


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.