Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers was not at all shy about expressing his feelings concerning the COVID restrictions from the early part of the pandemic which he says destroyed a lot of small businesses around the state of California, attributing these factors to why it’s currently “going to s***.”

Rodgers, according to the Daily Wire, did an interview with the “Club Random With Bill Maher” podcast, where he and the host chatted about life in the Golden state.

“State’s going to s***, but I’m hanging on,” Rodgers said to Maher during the interview.

“I grew up in a small town, very little cases up in Chico, California, but all the small businesses? F***ing gone,” the four-time NFL MVP went on to say during the talk with Maher.

“I mean our favorite restaurants in LA, in New York, and across the country, not just in big cities, but some crazy percentage will never open again,” he continued. “Why? What are we doing for them?”

Rodgers also made an appearance on the “The Joe Rogan Experience” podcast where he shared similar thoughts. Isn’t it strange how Joe Rogan has become one of the most important figures in popular culture? How many big stories has he ended up breaking on his show, which is really nothing more than a casual conversation between two people on a certain topic of interest? One day, Rogan might be looked at as a critical reason for the recovery of common sense in America. We are living in weird times.

“Joe [Rogan], they closed the beaches in California,” said the Green Bay Packers quarterback. “They closed the beaches where I live in California and all around the coast.”

Here’s more from the Daily Wire:

Later, they discussed his claim of being “immunized” when the press asked him if he was vaccinated. As The Daily Wire previously reported, Rodgers said he declined the mRNA vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna because he was allergic to an ingredient in the shots.

“They [media] were doing this, I called it a witch hunt, where they were asking every single player ‘are you vaccinated?’” Rodgers went on to say. “You know, they were asking a bunch of big quarterbacks and some guys were saying, ‘it’s personal’ or whatever.”

“I had come to the conclusion that I was going to say, ‘I’ve been immunized,’ and if there was a follow-up, then talk about my process,” he went on to add. “But I thought there was a possibility that, I say I’m immunized, maybe they understand what that means, maybe they don’t, maybe they follow up. They didn’t follow up. So, then I go [into] the season, them thinking, some of them, that I was vaccinated.”

Rodgers is kind of a mixed bag when it comes to stances on politics, but the main reason for this is because he comes to his own conclusions. This is refreshing when you look at the number of fellow NFL players who just go with the flow and say whatever will earn them “woke bucks” and new endorsement deals.

Let’s hope his open-mindedness toward the issues impacting our country today continues to rub off on other NFL stars.
