Have we gotten to the point in our country where institutions are actually leveling punitive, disciplinary action against people simply because the people who run the institutions don’t like someone else’s political views?

The answer is a resounding yes.

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As reported by The College Fix, a student at New Jersey’s Stockton University, which is about 20 minutes from Atlantic City, was actually charged a student with disruptive behavior, discrimination, harassment, creating a “hostile environment,” causing “harm” and cyberbullying — and all because the student used Trump’s image as his Zoom background during an online class July 1.

Just head-shaking.

The outlet notes further that the student didn’t take this lying down:

The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education is representing doctoral student Robert Dailyda, warning the public university in a letter Friday that it has no legal authority to punish a student for sharing his political views, even if they offended his classmates.

FIRE’s summary of the factual background says there were “no disruptions to the class or other feedback about Dailyda’s choice of background during the class” other than a private chat another classmate send him. Several classmates piled on Dailyda for his Trump background in a post-class group chat, but the university admitted that this conversation was not “threatening” to anyone and that Dailayda exited the chat to “avoid continued conflict.”

Taking to Facebook, the fed-up student wrote he was “done with the leftist agenda of BLM and the white self haters.

“I’m not backing down. If we can’t get past this, ok, I’m ready to fight to the death for our county and against those that want to take it down. I believe there are also many like me,” the student continued. 

What’s truly disgusting here is that, like numerous instances of Left-wing hackery in the past, Dailyda’s student detractors are massive hypocrites who take someone’s very benign political statement as some sort of physical ‘threat.’

University police phoned Dailyda to tell him he’d been accused of making “threatening statements.” A week later, he was forced to meet with Director Amy Jones and Assistant Director Stacey Rose of the “Care and Community Standards Office” (wonder why college tuition is so high?), who informed him that his hypocrite classmates – who are entitled to love their Left-wing politicians – were ‘offended’ by his Trump love. 

“They asked him to explain his political views, Zoom background, and Facebook post,” according to FIRE.

And these Marxists accuse Trump of fascistic behavior; it doesn’t get more fascist than being told, ‘Explain (as in defend) your political beliefs!’ 

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Americans don’t have to ‘explain’ their beliefs or why they demonstrate them. The right to do all of that is in the Constitution’s very first amendment under ‘Freedom of Expression.’

Can you even imagine the outcry from the usual suspects at CNN, MSNBC, the WaPo and NY Times, to name a few, if conservatives demanded that American socialists be forced to ‘explain’ their political views?

This is insane. If this student doesn’t win his case, then the complete Marxist takeover of American academia will be complete.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.