In what might not surprise anyone, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is the most unpopular elected official in the country.

A new survey from the National Republican Congressional Committee found that Republicans are in a strong position to take back the House in 2022, in part because Pelosi is so unpopular in every “key” subgroup, including women, Hispanics, and union households.

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Breitbart noted:

The survey identified the 80-year-old speaker as the “most unpopular elected official in the country,” scoring a 52 percent unfavorable rating and 41 percent favorable rating. The unfavorable rating includes 45 percent who view Pelosi as “very” unfavorable.

Pelosi’s unpopularity in ticket-splitting districts, which Republicans appear to have an edge in, is even worse, standing at 38 percent favorable and 58 percent unfavorable. Among those, a majority, or 51 percent, view her as “very” unfavorable.

“Pelosi is unpopular with almost every key subgroup outside the Democratic base including Independents (-21%), suburban women (-8%), white college graduates (-7%), Hispanics (-3%), and even union households (-1%),” the survey found.

The release comes as Pelosi previewed her plan to turn the Democrat-led House into what has been described as a “factory for Democrat priorities.” In the last few weeks alone, the House has passed the $1.9 trillion coronavirus proposal, which Republicans say is more about pork and Democrat pet projects than public health, as well as the Equality Act and H.R. 1.

“They’ll move everything from election reform to a policing overhaul to gun control, plus women’s and union rights and a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers.”

According to pollster Jim McLaughlin, Trump is becoming more popular every time House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, President Joe Biden, and Democrats make a move to undo a Trump policy.

McLaughlin, who conducted the McLaughlin & Associates CPAC preference poll, found that many Americans are looking back at Trump’s agenda and accomplishments and missing it.

“Democrats, mainstream media, Big Tech, and the Washington establishment on both sides of the aisle are trying to cancel President Trump and his supporters, and the poll shows they won’t be silenced and they won’t be canceled. If anything, President Trump and his agenda are more popular than ever,” he told the Washington Examiner.

“The more they attack his issue agenda and his people, the stronger President Trump gets,” he said.

“His stuff worked. His issue agenda was a success,” said the pollster.

And the GOP’s base hasn’t softened on its distrust of “the swamp.”

“They hate Washington, the establishment, and the elites. He fights them in a way no one else can,” he said, adding, “No one connected better with middle America than the New York billionaire, and that’s all him.”

He also said that the former president is the GOP for now.

“President Trump has changed the GOP for the better. He has transformed us from the party of the corporate elites to the party of the forgotten men and women. That’s why he significantly raised GOP numbers with blacks, Hispanics, Catholics, blue-collar workers,” said McLaughlin.

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“The truth is, the Republican Party needs President Trump right now a lot more than he needs them,” he added.

If Trump runs again, there’s no doubt the party is behind him and he would win the nomination.
