In the days that everyone needs to announce very which one of their sexual nuances and preferences, and inclinations to the world; where everyone devotes an inordinate amount of time meditating on their particular shades of sexual desires, Michaela Kennedy-Cuomo has decided to announce to the world that she is a “demisexual,” which essentially means she is only attracted to people with whom she has an emotional connection.


“When I was in elementary school, I feared that I was lesbian. When I was in middle school, I came out to my family and close friends as bisexual,” Michaela said during a livestream with Donato Tramuto, the former CEO of Tivity Health and a donor to the Robert F. Kennedy Center, according to the New York Post.


Cuomo’s daughter then went on to say that she had “always dreamed of a world in which nobody will have to come out, because everyone’s sexuality will be assumed fluid… but in a world that force-feeds cisgender heterosexuality, coming out of the closet is a lifelong process of unpacking internalized social constructions and stigmas.”


Her assessment is most likely wrong. She did not need to announce to the world that she is only interested in people which she has an emotional connection with. Why did we need to know that? The world she lives in is not one that “force-feeds cisgender heterosexuality,” we live in a world obsessed with analyzing sexuality to the most miniscule detail, to the point where people become obsessed with that part of themselves, and the younger generation ends up distorting sexuality to unprecedented levels in history.


The 23-year-old was fearful of being perceived as “attention-seeking” when she came out, and acknowledged that in her “liberal bubble,” as she called it, it is “hip or cool not to be hetero.” Thereby admitting she is not being pressures to be straight, as she implied before. She is essentially contradicting herself, saying the world forces you to be heterosexual, but when it comes down to it, she admits that in her circles it isn’t “cool” to be straight.


“Being a member of the intersectional coalition is now so alluring that we’re making up terms like ‘demisexual’ so that people can join,” Ben Shapiro, Daily Wire Emeritus, posted to Twitter. Then he continued, “According to WebMD’s new idiotic definition, ‘Demisexual people only feel sexually attracted to someone when they have an emotional bond.’ This is also known as, on average, being a woman.”


As Michaela unwittingly and unknowingly pointed out, the barrier of entry to the “cool” intellectual kids of society, seems to be adopting some kind of new gender and sexual identity. This is especially true in Hollywood circles among the younger millennial stars and Gen Z.


Recently, singer Demi Lovato joined the trend of insane navel gazing and announced on Twitter that she is officially changing her pronouns to “they/them” and that she is now identifying as “nonbinary.” In a video she posted online she said that this “best represent the fluidity I feel in my gender expression, and allows me to feel most authentic and true to the person I both know I am and still am discovering.” Because, apparently, our lives (or rather her life), revolves around our pronouns.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.