Without a doubt, some of the dumbest decisions made to allegedly protect Americans from being exposed to the COVID-19 pandemic came from Democratic politicians.

And king among the dummies is, hands-down, Gov. Andrew Cuomo of New York.

Despite knowing that older Americans – many of which have underlying health conditions – were more susceptible to contracting the disease and then dying from it, this genius ordered nursing homes and eldercare facilities in his state to take coronavirus patients.

Then he lied about why by trying to blame his decision on President Donald Trump and the administration. Then, he began covering up for it.

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In an editorial, the New York Post on Friday called out Cuomo, again, to come clean about what he did in order to foster a climate of accountability and transparency, lest his cover-up continues to prove that he made one of the stupidest decisions of the pandemic:

Will Gov. Andrew Cuomo allow anything resembling an outside review of New York’s coronavirus nursing-home horrors? The test case is a bipartisan bill from state Sen. Jim Tedisco and Assemblyman Ron Kim.

At the height of the pandemic, the state’s March 25 mandate put infected patients among the elderly — who Cuomo has acknowledged are the most vulnerable to the virus. The gov insists any criticism of that order is pure politics.

The bill calls for an independent investigation to, as sponsors put it, “fully examine policies that led to the deaths of thousands of New Yorkers in nursing-home facilities” during the pandemic.

Team Cuomo has stonewalled all efforts to get answers, and lawmakers are furious.

“Some issues transcend partisan politics,” Tedisco said – the unnecessary deaths of thousands of New Yorkers being one of them.

“Don’t be publishing a damn book right now. Take responsibility for what is happening,” said an angry and frustrated Sen. Gustavo Rivera (D-Bronx) last week.

Here’s what’s happening: The Cuomo regime is refusing to provide data on nursing home residents who caught the virus and died at the hospital.

“If you die in the nursing home, it’s a nursing-home death. If you die in the hospital, it’s called a hospital death,” Cuomo told WAMC Radio in defending the decision to stop providing the latter information, though New York is the only state with significant COVID-19 infections and deaths to do so, the Post editorial continued.

“It seems, sir . . . you are choosing to define it differently so that you can look better,” Rivera told Health Commissioner Howard Zucker Aug. 3 during a hearing on the issue, at which Zucker admitted the state has both numbers. 

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The bipartisan legislation being proposed isn’t likely to go anywhere. One, Cuomo isn’t going to sign anything that holds him accountable; two, his political hack attorney general, Letitia James, wouldn’t pursue Cuomo in any legitimate fashion anyway.

“That the gov pulled the mandate in May suggests he knows it was a deadly error. The virus killed at least 6,400 nursing-home residents — and the real number, the one Zucker refuses to reveal, could be twice that,” the Post editorial continued. 

“The people of New York deserve answers. If Cuomo and his allies don’t even allow this commission to look for them, it’s compelling proof of guilt.”


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.