New Yorkers have gotten a real good look at their elected Democrat leaders over the past few months as coronavirus gripped the country.

From the disastrous decision by Gov. Andrew Cuomo to require nursing homes to accept COVID-19 patients despite the fact that older Americans and those with preexisting conditions were far more susceptible to the disease to New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s busting up of a Jewish funeral and threat to arrest people who swam in the ocean in violation of ‘social distancing’ rules, residents of the Empire State have witnessed one screw up and goofy policy after another.

Whether that affects the way they vote come November is anyone’s guess, but the Left-wing lunacy of these two clowns is a never-ending show.

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On Thursday, Mayor Clown Show took to Twitter to declare that because all Americans are haters who “discriminate,” then obviously the coronavirus is discriminatory too.

“This virus DOES discriminate — because our nation discriminates. We may be beginning to restart but we’re not repeating a broken status quo,” he tweeted. 

This idiocy comes after de Blasio agreed to shift money away from the NYPD – a decision that was made as officers were battling rioters and looters, by the way.

Hannity notes:

Bill de Blasio caved to mounting pressure from the ‘Black Lives Matters’ movement and other protesters Sunday; saying he plans to “move resources from the NYPD” to “youth and social services.”

“This morning we committed to move resources from the NYPD to youth and social services as part of our City’s budget. Our young people need to be reached, not policed. We can do this AND keep our city safe,” posted de Blasio on social media.

Meanwhile, after enforcing social distancing rules during the coronavirus lockdown like a Nazi Brownshirt enforcing party doctrine, the mayor moved to mollify far-Left Black Lives Matter types when he completely dismissed the notion that an uptick on COVID-19 cases in recent days had anything at all to do with the weeks-long mass protests stemming from the George Floyd incident.

“We do not see evidence that it’s related to something that’s happened only over the last week, just because of the time it takes for the disease to manifest,” he said, the NY Daily News reported.

Even the uber-liberal Daily News noted: “The spike in suspected coronavirus hospitalizations comes amid more than a week of citywide protests following the killing of George Floyd by a police officer in Minneapolis.”

Mayor de Blasio, though: ‘Nope. Nothin’ to see here.’

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Speaking of how often de Blasio has been wrong, de Blasio continued to downplay the threat of coronavirus long after President Donald Trump implemented a China travel ban at the end of January.

The Daily Signal notes

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and his top health official were telling citizens to take the subway and attend parades months after President Donald Trump restricted travel to coronavirus-plagued China.

De Blasio and New York City Health Commissioner Oxiris Barbot took turns telling citizens in February and March that the virus was not as widespread as people thought.



Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.