The White House Correspondents Association (WHCA) was founded February 25, 1914 after President Woodrow Wilson complained that the press wasn’t treating him fairly, and if that sounds familiar, it should – except that Wilson was a Democrat and is widely considered to be the ‘father’ of the modern Leftist ‘progressive’ movement.

Originally, the WCHA’s mission was to prevent Wilson from ending his press conferences, but the group’s mission has expanded since. What’s also changed is that the group has adopted Wilson’s uber-Left-wing ideological bent.

In fact, the 117-year-old organization has become downright exclusionary when it comes to ‘competing’ political points of view and of news outlets that do not comport to the WCHA’s militant brand of Marxism.

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As such, one young D.C.-based correspondent, Chanel Rion of One America News, believes it is time for a new White House journalist organization, so she’s formed one: The National White House Correspondents Association.

“The NWHCA seeks to restore balance and diversity of viewpoints in White House news coverage. The American public is served best when all voices are heard and the President’s message is unfiltered,” says a press release announcing the new organization.

“According to Rion the WHCA has maneuvered almost all balance and diversity out of the White House correspondents’ pool and briefing room demonstrating daily that they consider America’s free press the exclusive property of the ‘progressive’ reformers of Washington. This is not representative of a free and balanced press,” the release continues.

Rion noted further that another reason why she decided to launch the new organization was in response to being expelled by the WHCA though she’d “never even been a member” (and how petty is that?).

The new organization “is seeking shared control of the White House briefing room and all other delegated press functions with the 117-year-old WHCA in order to restore balance to White House reporting which at present, largely amounts to a confederation of journalists with long socialist agendas and deep links to the Democrat Party,” the statement continued.

Rion traveled to Ukraine with presidential lawyer Rudy Giuliani late last year to report on testimony from officials there regarding “money laundering and bribery” that was “related to Joe and Hunter Biden,” the statement notes further.

Afterward, she became more of an outcast from the clique-ish elitists within the WCHA.

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“Nonetheless, President Trump recognized, often, OAN’s efforts to deliver real news to the American public. After the WHCA failed in its attempt to evict Rion from the White House Briefing Room, Rion returned daily as a guest of the White House by permission of Press Secretaries Stephanie Grisham and Kayleigh McEnany. WHCA relegated Rion to stand in the back of the room, segregated and roped off from the rest of the press pool,” the statement noted further.


But then, the Democrat sycophants who belong to and run the WHCA think they own the media space. Rion – Harvard and Cambridge-educated – says otherwise.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.