Schools in Europe, Asia, and Australia have been reopened for months, even as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to play out.

Schools in Sweden were never fully closed, and neither was the country. And it managed to survive.

But in the United States, everything is politicized by Marxist Democrats with the specific intent of inflicting as much pain on President Donald Trump and the country they claim to want to lead as possible.

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And so, as the school year approached, Democrats and their allies in the teacher’s unions, propaganda media and ‘academia’ all began a campaign of pushing to keep schools closed, ostensibly to ‘protect’ children and instructors from the dreaded virus.

They claimed they were “following the science.”

Well now, new research has substantiated what the anecdotal evidence surrounding the reopening of schools around the world has indicated: Kids have a near-zero chance of catching and/or transmitting coronavirus-19.

Fox News reports:

Amid the pandemic, reports surfaced of COVID-19 cases and deaths among children and young people, though a new study from the UK highlights how rare these cases really are.

A large team of experts found that confirmed virus cases among babies and youth under 19 only accounted for less than 1 percent of all patients in a given cohort. The in-hospital death rate was “strikingly low” among this age group, according to the report, at 1 percent compared to the cohort including all ages at 27 percent. A total of six out of 627 pediatric patients died, “all of whom had profound comorbidity,” study authors wrote.

The findings were published on Thursday in BMJ Journals.

“Severe disease was rare and death [was] exceptionally rare in this…large prospective cohort study of children admitted to hospital with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19,” study authors noted further.

“We can be quite sure that COVID in itself is not causing harm to children on a significant scale,” Malcolm Semple, co-author and a professor of outbreak medicine and child health at the University of Liverpool in Britain, told a briefing, reported Reuters.

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“The highest level message really has to be that (in children with COVID-19) severe disease is rare, and death is vanishingly rare — and that (parents) should be comforted that their children are not at direct harm by going back into school,” Semple said at a briefing, according to the outlet.

Researchers also said kids and young people only make up 1 percent to 2 percent of coronavirus cases worldwide. They noted further that “in contrast to other respiratory viruses, children seem to have a lower risk of infection than adults.” They also wrote that “the vast majority of reported infections” among kids are mild or asymptomatic.

We’ve known a lot of this information — especially the part about kids getting only mild symptoms or showing none at all — for some time. But that hasn’t mattered to the anti-Trump, anti-American Left.

But what this also means is that kids aren’t ‘super-spreaders,’ either.

Let’s face it: We should be getting our kids back to school. It’s time. That’s what ‘the science’ demands.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.