For months ‘Portland’ Ted Wheeler, the hapless Left-wing mayor of that city, has allowed thugs, anarchists, and now murderers to dominate any street or blocks of streets their little heart’s desire, anytime they want, and for as long as they want.

Oh, Wheeler will get in front of the television and newspaper cameras and claim that he’s all for law and order, but the fact is he’s not and his ‘de-escalation’ and ‘light touch’ police policies prove it. 

What’s more, it doesn’t really matter how many people the Portland Police Bureau arrests; the Leftist nudnik district attorney, Mike Schmidt, isn’t prosecuting rioters anyway – he’s just letting the vast majority of them go even after they’ve been arrested multiple times, as independent journalist Andy Ngo has documented time and again.

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So, it should come as no surprise to any rational American that when the Left-wing governor of Oregon, Kate Brown, comes a-calling for more law enforcement support to help combat the anarchy her favorite mayor enabled, the answer was a resounding “no” from surrounding sheriffs.

Clackamas Co. Sheriff Craig Roberts responded:

Had Governor Brown discussed her plan with my office, I would have told her it’s about changing policy not adding resources. Increasing law enforcement resources in Portland will not solve the nightly violence and now, murder. The only way to make Portland safe again, is to support a policy that holds offenders accountable for their destruction and violence. That will require the DA to charge offenders appropriately and a decision by the Multnomah County Presiding Judge not to allow offenders released on their own recognizance, and instead require bail with conditions. The same offenders are arrested night after night, only to be released by the court and not charged with a crime by the DA’s Office. The next night they are back at it, endangering the lives of law enforcement and the community all over again.

For all of us in law enforcement, keeping our community safe is our first priority. Had Governor Brown asked me, I would have told her that no amount of human resources will stop the “cycle of violence” (her term) that is making Portland unsafe. For that to occur, the criminal justice system will need do its part and hold offenders accountable.

Then there is Sheriff Pat Garrett of Washington County:

As Washington County Sheriff, I commit to support PPB through indirect ways, like analyzing risks associated with social media, air support, assisting with a specific criminal investigation, etc. At this time, I do not plan to send deputies to work directly in Portland. PPB is a terrific partner and I am very sympathetic to what they are enduring. However, the lack of political support for public safety, the uncertain legal landscape, the current volatility combined with intense scrutiny on use of force presents an unacceptable risk if deputies were deployed directly.

Finally, the Oregon Police Chief’s Association:

Unfortunately, due to the lack of support for public safety operations, the associated liability to agencies who would be assisting in Portland and the lack of accountability for those arrested committing criminal acts, we cannot dedicate our limited resources away from the communities we serve. We know there will already be an additional burden on local law enforcement agencies as Oregon State Police Troopers are re-assigned to assist in Portland.

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We would propose the following as steps to bring an end to the criminal acts and violence in Portland beginning with a strong statement by elected leadership at all levels that criminal acts are not legitimate protest and that those who commit crimes will be held accountable. There must be support for Law Enforcement actions, through preventative detention and prosecution, when criminal violators are arrested. Finally, there must be publicly voiced support for Law Enforcement and its efforts to protect lawful protesters and hold criminal violators accountable in a very difficult environment.

In short, no way, no how until the Left-wing lunatics running the anarchy asylums in Portland’s streets are gone and replaced by rational, thinking people who value rights and law and order equally.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.