President Donald Trump is getting some love and support from a very unexpected person: The niece of Osama bin Laden, the 9/11 plotter and founder of the al Qaeda terrorist group.

In fact, she has said that if Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden wins in November, another 9/11-style attack could be in America’s near-term future.

“ISIS proliferated under the Obama/Biden administration, leading to them coming to Europe. Trump has shown he protects America and us by extension from foreign threats by obliterating terrorists at the root and before they get a chance to strike,” Noor bin Ladin, whose family has always spelled their name differently than the late terrorism leader, told the New York Post in her first-ever interview.

The 33-year-old lives in Switzerland but said that she considers herself “an American at heart.” She had a full-size U.S. flag hanging in her bedroom room at age 12 and her dream vacation is to take an RV trip across the United States.

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Born in Switzerland, the stunning bin Ladin says she’s all-in for President Trump.

“I have been a supporter of President Trump since he announced he was running in the early days in 2015. I have watched from afar and I admire this man’s resolve,” she said. “He must be reelected … It’s vital for the future of not only America but Western civilization as a whole.”

“You look at all the terrorist attacks that have happened in Europe over the past 19 years. They have completely shaken us to the core … [Radical Islam] has completely infiltrated our society,” she continued. “In the US it’s very worrying that the Left has aligned itself completely with the people who share that ideology.”

By ‘the Left,’ she of course is talking about the Democrat Party, which certainly seems all-in with Antifa, Black Lives Matter militancy, rioting, looting, and general unrest.

The Post adds:

While Trump has long been a polarizing figure in the United States, he is even more toxic in Europe, where views of US leadership have often plummeted since he took office. A 2018 Gallup poll found just 18% of Swiss citizens approved of his job performance.

[Chances are real good that Europeans aren’t getting an honest depiction of our president, either].

Noor, who said she regularly wears a “Make America Great Again” hat (and occasionally a Trump bedtime onesie), has had to confront many Trump-haters on her side of the Atlantic. During a recent trip to the grocery store while wearing the iconic red cap, Noor was accosted.

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“I am minding my own business and this woman in her late 50s charges toward me and starts speaking very loudly and aggressively to me,” she recalled. “She’s yelling at me and saying how can I be wearing this and Trump is the worst president ever and she’s basically dumping on my beloved president … She told me three times, ‘You’re stupid.’ I kept my cool, and needless to say I kept my hat!”

So, it sounds like some Europeans are just as unhinged when it comes to President Trump as many Americans are.

Bin Ladin also follows conservative media; her fav is Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, but she’s “chummy” with Laura Loomer, the Post added.

Who would have known?


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.