There’s a reason why Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden hasn’t been discussing whether or not he plans on ‘packing’ the Supreme Court with several additional justices, all of whom would be left-wing judicial activists (if Democrats manage to steal back the Senate).

It’s because he wants to – or, at least, his Marxist handlers do because the goal is counter-revolution.

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Biden essentially just admitted as much.

“If elected, what I’ll do is I’ll put together a national bipartisan commission of scholars, constitutional scholars, Democrats, Republicans … and I will ask them to over 180 days come back to me with recommendations as to how to reform the court system because it’s getting out of whack, the way it’s being handled,” Biden said during an interview with 60 Minutes.

“It’s not about court-packing,” Biden continued, saying he would consider a number of alternative court reforms “that go well beyond packing.”

That sounds like a super-packing plan — packing the court with leftists and then finding some way, perhaps with new legislation, to make the super-packing plan permanent. 

That way Democrats get to win court cases into the foreseeable future, meaning the really foundational aspects of the Constitution such as freedom of assembly, speech, religion, and firearms ownership will ‘go away’ because a majority of justices on the new mega-Supreme Court will decide that those old, crusty founders never really meant what they wrote.

The Free Beacon adds: 

Biden’s answer comes after weeks of dodging questions about court packing. After advocating against it during his time in the Senate and at the beginning of his presidential run, Biden began to leave open the possibility of adding more justices to the Supreme Court after Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death.

Biden repeatedly declined to reveal his position, saying his answer would distract from Senate Republicans filling Ginsburg’s seat and voters don’t deserve to know his stance on the issue.

Recent polling shows a majority of voters oppose expansion of the Supreme Court, including nearly two-thirds of independent voters.

In the meantime, voters will need to help President Donald Trump and Republicans keep this lunatic and the Marxist band behind him as far away from the Supreme Court and the legislative means to change it as possible.

That will require voting – en masse – and keeping the White House and Senate (grabbing the House back, too, would be great).

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Because here’s what Biden and the left are also saying when they talk about packing or altering the court with ‘reforms’: They want to turn what is supposed to be an independent branch of our government into a political branch that will rubber-stamp the left-wing Democrat agenda.

Americans who have not been properly educated by our Democrat-controlled public and higher education system don’t know that our founders wanted federal judges to have lifetime tenure because that was the one way they could assure independence.

But now, the Democrat left wants to change it like it wants to change voting laws, get rid of the Electoral College, and bring in several new left-leaning territories as states: Permanent power is all they care about.

We can’t let them have it.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.