Another day, another glaring example that the ongoing riots and violent protests no longer have much to do with George Floyd, the Minneapolis man who died earlier this month at the hands of police.

One ‘demonstrator’ and Black Lives Matter supporter suggested that he would use ‘cheap gasoline’ to burn down New York’s Diamond District, and he made it while being interviewed by Fox News.

“I’m a leader of this ‘FTP’ movement,” he said. “It means a lot of things. It can mean free the people, it can mean for the people, it can also mean fire to property.

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“And that’s very possible… we hope that de Blasio and Cuomo come out and talk to us and give the youth some direction. But if they don’t, the next stop is the Diamond District. And gasoline, thanks to Trump, is awfully cheap,” the demonstration threatened.

“Today, I’m giving a demonstration from Barclay’s Center at 6 p.m. to City Hall, and that’s the first stop — and we’re hoping [Mayor] De Blasio and [Gov.] Cuomo come out and talk to us and give the youth some direction,” he said. 

“But if they don’t, then [the] next stop is the Diamond District,” he added, referring to a block on Manhattan’s 47th Street known for jewelry shops.

How, precisely, torching a well-off business neighborhood in midtown Manhattan, ruining the livelihoods of thousands of people who had nothing to do with Floyd’s death and who probably agree that justice must be done will actually bring that justice, is a mystery. Also, since the Diamond District is dominated by people of the Jewish faith, can’t we interpret this as an anti-Semitic threat as well? Racist? Bigoted? All of the things angry Leftists accuse President Trump of being?

And interestingly, these Left-wing demonstrators and violent agitators are all angry with…their Democrat leaders, people they likely voted for.

Unlike other news networks – CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, we’re looking at you – Fox News anchor Eric Shawn wasted no time in condemning the man’s threats, calling them “outrageous words” and that the protestor “was basically suggesting that they plan to go to the Diamond District, which is run basically by Orthodox Jews here in New York City.”

“Certainly hope that is not the case,” Shawn added, making it clear that his network condemns “that type of language.”

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“Someone saying that certainly should be called out in terms of any type of potential threat,” he added.

The New York Post reported that the man identifies himself as “Ace Burns.”

For their part, Mayor Bill de Blasio and New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo have been feuding over the others’ responses to the riots or, in many cases, their non-responses.

But as they bicker, New Yorkers – when they aren’t being threatened by full-on anarchy – are seeing their city die a slow, painful death.

Businesses that have been shuttered for months as “non-essential” during coronavirus lockdowns that don’t count as long as you’re protesting Floyd’s death have left many reeling economically. Now, thanks to the riots and protests, many have been boarded up completely.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.