During failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s podcast, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi launched a disgusting attack on Christians when she accused them of selling out democracy for opposing abortion.

“Now, there’s one other element that I have been talking about for a long time that gives me great grief as a Catholic. I think that Donald Trump is president because of the issue of a woman’s right to choose,” Pelosi said. “When he signed that paper saying, “These are the judges that I will appoint,” that was the dog whistle to the Evangelicals, to the Catholics, and all the rest. A woman will not have the right to choose. And when you see the polls about impeachment now, 80 percent think what happened was wrong; 70-some percent said he’s responsible, but 40-some percent don’t think he should be impeached. Well, why? One issue: abortion.”

“And that is enough,” Pelosi continued. “When you take the greed of those who want their tax cut, that’s probably a small number, but nonetheless a number, and then you take the abortion issue – and many of these people are very good people; that’s just their point of view. But they were willing to sell the whole democracy down the river for that one issue.”

Clinton jumped in to accuse pro-life politicians of abusing Catholicism to “obtain and use power” to get Americans to condemn abortion.

“And, you know, one of the terrible ironies of their position is that starting in the 90s under Democratic presidents, the abortion rate went way down. And with proper contraception and education and a stigma-free conversation, the numbers can continue to go way down,” Clinton said. “So, what’s really incredibly sad is how those who, in my opinion and experience, do not view this issue as a priority, have used the legitimate questions, concerns and, yes, understanding of faith, to obtain and use power.”

During the same podcast, Clinton and Pelosi discussed the events that unfolded at the US Capitol on January 6th.

Pelosi gave a sob story of the events that unfolded, stating that she and other members of Congress couldn’t “move on” from the events because they were completely “traumatized.”

“I think everyone listening knows what happened on January 6, when the United States Capitol was attacked by a group of seditionist, insurrectionist traitors,” Clinton said as she started the segment.

“I’m sad. I’m deeply sad, because here it is, the Capitol, this symbol of democracy to the world, being overrun by people who are being incited by a person who is not speaking truth,” Pelosi whined.

“Everybody said, ‘Well, we’ve got to move on.’ No, we can’t move on,” Pelosi continued. “We can’t move on. We will move on, but we have to take stock of what this is.”

The Speaker went on by laying out the events that unfolded on January 6th, explaining how Democrat members were “traumatized” as they hid behind chairs and crawled across the gallery.

“But it wasn’t about me, because I had security; it was about my members,” Pelosi said. “And they were traumatized by it. Some were on the floor; some were in the Gallery watching. Because of COVID we had to have our distancing, and those up there had to go under their seats for a long time. And then they had to do a belly crawl across the Gallery so that they could have a safe egress from the Chamber, because if they had gone out the door they were nearest to, the protestors were there. They were there, and they were out to harm people.”

“And just the image of these members elected to represent Americans crawling on their bellies to escape the House Chamber is just beyond outraging,” Clinton replied.

Pelosi continued by praising herself and her fellow Democrats for being “unifiers.”

During the same podcast episode, Clinton promoting a new conspiracy theory about President Trump, stating she would “love” to see the President’s phone records to see “whether he was talking to Putin the day that the insurgents invaded our Capitol.”“We learned a lot about our system of government over the last four years with a president who disdains democracy and, as you have said numerous times, has other agendas,” Clinton said.

“What they all are, I don’t think we yet know. I hope historically we will find out who he’s beholden to, who pulls his strings. I would love to see his phone records to see whether he was talking to Putin the day that the insurgents invaded our Capitol,” Clinton added as she put the blame on President Trump’s “enablers,” “accomplices,” and “cult members.”

“Do you think we need a 9/11-type commission to investigate and report everything that they can pull together and explain what happened?” Clinton asked Pelosi, who replied, “I do.”

“To your point of who is he beholden to, as I’ve said over and over, as I said to him in that picture with my blue suit as I was leaving, what I was saying to him as I was pointing, rudely, at him: ‘With you, Mr. President, all roads lead to Putin,’” Pelosi said to Clinton as she was referring to the January 6 events as a “gift to Putin” saying he “wants to undermine democracy in our country and throughout the world.”

“And these people, unbeknownst to them, maybe, are Putin puppets. They were doing Putin’s business when they did that at the incitement of an insurrection by the president of the United States,” she added.

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