Democrats are continuing to deflect from their party’s racist, KKK-supporting, Jim Crow past with petty political antics and virtue-signaling to a deranged base that has never been properly taught American history.

On Monday, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) led House and Senate Democrats in a ‘symbolic’ taking of a knee for several minutes to commemorate the legitimately improper death of Minneapolis man George Floyd, who died in police custody pinned to a street by a cop’s knee.

“For those who wish to, we will now kneel for our moment of silence,” she said, as all assembled Dems did their lemming thing and knelt, which of course, was the point of being there in the first place.

And, of course, the propaganda stunt was captured by the Democrat lapdog media to soak up and plaster across airwaves that fewer and fewer Americans are watching

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IRJ notes:

Pelosi and Congressional Democrats’ support of Floyd and protests come as they unveil an extensive, newly proposed bill for police reform.

The new legislation “establishes a bold, transformative vision of policing in America,” said Congressional Black Caucus Chair Rep. Karen Bass (D-Calif.).

With the 134-page bill, Democrats are aiming to tackle a number of controversial police policies in place including, but not limited to: “qualified immunity,” “no-knock” search warrants, and bans on chokeholds.

Fortunately, this legislation has little chance of passing the GOP-controlled Senate or getting past President Donald Trump’s veto pen. But that’s a good thing, because the last thing Americans should want is local policing being dictated by Congress in general and Democrats in particular.

Because we remember what happened the last time Democrats politicized law enforcement. It was during the previous Obama administration, as Townhall editor Katie Pavlich reported in 2015.

“The Fraternal Order of Police, the country’s largest police union representing more than 330,00 men and women in uniform, is slamming the Obama administration for jeopardizing the safety of police officers in the name of politics or politically correct optics,” she wrote. 

Politico added at the time

James Pasco, executive director of the Fraternal Order of Police, told POLITICO on Monday that he hopes to have a White House meeting as soon as Tuesday to discuss his concerns about how the plans could put cops at risk.

He said in particular he objects to a measure that would require police departments to get permission from city governments to acquire certain equipment, including riot batons, helmets and shields, through federal programs.

“We need to only look back to Baltimore to see what happens when officers are sent out ill-equipped in a disturbance situation,” he said. “Because you don’t like the optics, you can’t send police officers out to be hurt or killed.”

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Now, here come Pelosi and Democrats with a 134-page piece of legislation that will no doubt ‘politicize’ local police even more, making it more difficult for officers to do an already difficult job.

This comes as Minneapolis elected officials are actually entertaining the lunacy of getting rid of their entire police department – as Pelosi and Democrats bend a knee to the rioters and looters who burned sizable portions of that city, and several others.

There is no ‘systemic racism’ in police departments, only systemic politicization and interference in police work by meddling Democrats who always, always make things worse.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.