During a bizarre interaction with reporters on Thursday, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi looked drunk as she failed to make any sense. For the “Speaker” of the House, Pelosi doesn’t seem to know how to speak.

The speaker was all over the place as she slurred her words, looked around the room sporadically and even tried putting her mask on upside down.

WATCH the bizarre moment below:


This wasn’t the only interesting interaction Pelosi has had in recent days. On Wednesday, the Speaker held up her hand to make a “0” gesture however her hands were so distorted that it looked like a gang sign. Some Twitter users accused Pelosi of putting up the white power sign.

Check it out:

Pelosi was referring to the false claim that President Joe Biden’s $3.5 trillion spending package actually costs “zero” dollars. Math is clearly a subject that Democrats can’t comprehend.

During the same interview where Pelosi held up her “0” gang sign, the speaker had a bizarre moment where she lost her cool when a reporter confronted her about the debt ceiling crisis.

“Why get mad at members, why twist the arms of moderates if this is not going to move anywhere?” the reporter simply asked.

After staring down the reporter down for a solid 3 seconds, Pelosi snapped:

What are you talking about?! We have a responsibility to uphold…to…uh, lift up the full faith and credit of the United States of America. That’s what we have to do. These members have all voted for this last week…..so let us give every confidence every step of the way. We cannot predicate our actions in the House on what could happen in the Senate. But in terms of this, I have no patience for people not voting for this,” she said.


Pelosi is losing it!

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