On Thursday, reporter James Rosen attended Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s press conference where he asked the Speaker one difficult question.

“I wonder if you could explain to the American people why the legal rights of the whistle-blower should prevail in this political setting over those of President Trump who should ordinarily enjoy a right to confront his accuser?” Rosen rightfully asked.

Pelosi lost it, calling Rosen “Mr. Republican Talking Points.”

“Well let me just say this, I will say to you, Mr. Republican talking points, what I said to the president of the United States. When you talk about the whistleblower you are coming into my wheelhouse. I have more experience in intelligence than anybody in the Congress, anybody who has ever served. 25 years on the committee as top democrat ex officio, as leader and speaker,” Pelosi bizarrely ranted.

Rosen later responded to the Speaker’s jab, tweeting that he thought the question “was fair and respectful. Her reply descended to personal insult without addressing the substance, and was accordingly beneath her office. I later asked @GOPLeader [Rep. Kevin McCarthy] tough questions. It’s called journalism.”

Pelosi’s outbreak comes at no surprise considering the Democrat’s impeachment agenda is falling apart in front of their eyes.

On Friday, the White House released another transcript of a different call between President Trump and Ukrainian President Zelensky, proving that there were no preconditions for a meeting between the two.

The transcript reveals that the President agreed to meet with Zelensky without preconditions which completely destroys the Democrats’ impeachment agenda. The transcript was strategically released by the White House just moments before the second round of impeachment hearings started on Friday morning.

On April 21st, President Trump got on the phone to talk with the newly elected president of Ukraine. President Trump’s phone conversations with President Zelensky is at the center of the Democrats’ ongoing impeachment inquiry.

The entire impeachment inquiry is based on a quid pro quo between the two presidents however the transcripts that were released on Friday show no such thing.

“When you’re settled in and ready, I’d like to invite you to the White House,” Trump said during the phone conversation on April 21st. “We’ll have a lot of things to talk about, but we’re with you all the way.”

Zelensky replied: “Well, thank you for the invitation. We accept the invitation and look forward to the visit. Thank you again. The whole team and I are looking forward to the visit.”

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Zelensky also invited President Trump to attend his inauguration which Trump responded by saying, “at a very minimum, we’ll have a great representative. Or more than one from the United States will be with you on that great day.”

“So, we will have somebody, at a minimum, at a very, very high level, and they will be with you,” Trump said. “Really, an incredible day for an incredible achievement.”

Towards the end of the conversation, President Trump said: “Take care of yourself and give a great speech today. You take care of yourself, and I’ll see you soon.”

Zelensky ends: “Thank you very much. I’ll see you very soon.”

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