Conservative talk radio king Rush Limbaugh has often referred to the Democrat Party as “the largest hate group” in America, and the party’s members regularly prove them right, generally through acts of blatant hypocrisy.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California provides the latest example.

In an interview on “Fox News Sunday,” host Chris Wallace asked the Speaker about her appearance in San Francisco’s Chinatown district in February when she told people that there wasn’t anything to worry about with the coronavirus creeping across the country.

“If the president underplayed the threat [of the disease] in the early days, Speaker Pelosi, didn’t you as well?” Wallace asked.

It was a torpedo-to-the-portside direct hit.

But what did Pelosi do? She turned the question into an issue of racism and bigotry.

“No, what we were trying to do is to end the discrimination, the stigma that was going out against the Asian-American community,” Pelosi said. “And, in fact, if you will look, the record will show that our Chinatown has been a model of containing and preventing the virus, so I’m confident in our folks there and thought it was necessary to offset some of the things that the president and others were saying about Asian-Americans and making them a target.”

Questions: What are the people in Chinatown doing to ‘contain the virus’ that isn’t being done elsewhere? And can those methods be employed around the country to better mitigate the disease’s spread? We don’t know the answers because Pelosi didn’t grace us with them.

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The fact is, there isn’t a racial component to the virus. Yes, black liberals and their medi allies have seized on the narrative that African-Americans are dying from coronavirus at a disproportionate rate because the virus is racist. In truth, that may be happening — may be — because there are other co-morbidities inherent in blacks at a disproportionate rate than the rest of the population. 

“Given the known risk factors for COVID-19 complications, the confluence of hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and the higher prevalence of cardiovascular disease among black persons may be driving these early signals,” says a paper written by Dr. Clyde W. Yancy, published in the peer-reviewed medical journal JAMA April 15.

“Data fully adjusted for comorbidities have not been reported but it is likely that some, if not most, of these differences in disease rates and outcomes will be explained by concomitant comorbidities,” the paper continued.

We’ll know more on this as time goes by and more studies are conducted on the virus. But for Pelosi to suggest somehow that her telling people in Chinatown that the virus is no big deal is really an act of racial justice is so stupid that you’re liable to lose IQ points if you ponder it for too long.

Wallace could have pressed Pelosi more, but all he would have gotten is the same pabulum: Democrats always mean well, Republicans are ogres, and Donald Trump’s a racist/bigot/homophobe who wants people to die.

As noted by Nick Kangadis at MRCTV:

First, if Trump was discriminating against any people, especially in the time frame that Pelosi made her visit to San Francisco’s Chinatown, why would the president simultaneously schedule a visit to India and meet with Prime Minister Narendra Modi? Surely, Modi wouldn’t have been as accommodating to Trump if he were a known racist.

Second, Trump’s problem was with the communist government of China, not “Asian-Americans” as Pelosi asserted. The left’s need for Trump to be equated to a dictator makes their push for him to be a discriminatory authoritarian all the more necessary, again, in order to feed their media-supported narrative.

There isn’t much else President Trump could have done to mitigate the spread of coronavirus, but because Democrats are not serious people, we get these nonsensical political statements from careerist politicians like Pelosi who, on most days, couldn’t tell you much of anything about the culture in Chinatown or what ordinary people have to go through in her city just to pay their rent.

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Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.