Piers Morgan has been outspoken for years, but even as a liberal who has been battling lingering Covid symptoms, has tired of Fauci too. In his most recent op-ed, he used colorful language to express his frustration with the infamous NIAID Director.

The Former Good Morning Britain host called out Dr. Anthony Fauci over his spate of increasingly partisan media appearances. After exploring the many instances where Fauci got the science wrong during the pandemic, from his initial downplaying of masks to his sudden acceptance of vaccine mandates after previously dismissing them, Morgan advised Fauci to “put his ego away” and “shut the fuck up.”

In a lengthy op-ed for the Daily Mail, Morgan asserted that Fauci’s latest brush with partisanship during his interview on CBS’s Face the Nation – where he singularly referred to himself as science’s lone representative – will alienate half the country, undercutting his so-called scientific mission. Morgan wrote:

For someone whose day job is supposed to be leading America’s scientific and medical war against Covid-19, he seems to have an incredible amount of spare time for self-promotional media interviews. As time has gone on, Fauci’s become more and more brazenly political in those interviews…

“What he said in these new interviews should give every American serious [cause] for concern, not just about the latest COVID threat but about some of the outrageously partisan statements the country’s top doctor made,” Morgan added.

During his interview on CBS, Fauci actually elevated himself to being science. The arrogant TV doctor declared that criticism of him is actually a criticism of science, characterizing himself as the field’s representative.

Anybody who’s looking at this carefully realizes that there’s a distinct anti-science flavor to this. If they get up and criticize science, nobody’s going to know what they’re talking about. But if they get up and really aim their bullets at Tony Fauci — people could recognize there’s a person there, so it’s easy to criticize. But they’re really criticizing science because I represent science, and that’s dangerous.

Fauci’s words resemble that of a “religious leader berating non-believers than a scientist trying to grapple with a pandemic.”, Morgan added.

Written By: Eric Thompson, host of the Eric Thompson Show. Follow me on his website ETTALKSHOW, MAGABOOK, Twellit & Twitter.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.