For anyone who believes they think they already know the entire story behind the death of George Floyd and the former police officer, Derek Chauvin, who has been charged with murder, trust me, you don’t.

We’re not even to trial yet in the case and already new, startling information regarding both men is beginning to surface.

First, some background.

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Readers may recall a May 28 report from an ABC affiliate, KSTP, which claimed that both men worked for years at the same nightclub providing security. The former owner of the El Nuevo Rodeo club, Maya Santamaria, confirmed it. But she said she wasn’t sure whether the two men actually knew each other.

“Chauvin was our off-duty police for almost the entirety of the 17 years that we were open,” Santamaria said, though the club has since been burned out by rioters. “They were working together at the same time, it’s just that Chauvin worked outside and the security guards were inside.” 

She added: “My friend sent me (the video) and said this is your guy who used to work for you and I said, ‘It’s not him.’ And then they did the closeup and that’s when I said, ‘Oh my God, that’s him.’ I didn’t recognize George as one of our security guys because he looked really different lying there like that.”

Now, in an interview with CBS News, David Pinney – who also worked security at the same nightclub at the same time Chauvin and Floyd worked there – said the two had a ‘history.’

“They bumped heads,” Pinney told the network. 

But why? 

“It has a lot to do with Derek being extremely aggressive within the club with some of the patrons, which was an issue,” Pinney responded.

The revelation could mean that Chauvin’s charge of second-degree murder could be upgraded to first degree, according to the Floyd family’s lawyer.

Asked if there was any doubt in his mind that the two knew each other, Pinney said, “No. He knew him. I would say pretty well.”

As for Santamaria, she says in an as-yet-unreleased interview with CBS News she believes Chauvin was “afraid and intimidated” by blacks. 

As for Chauvin’s alleged over-aggressiveness, Santamaria said during earlier interviews that she believed Chauvin had a temper problem. And she also told CNN in late May that he was “anxious” around black people.

“I noticed that he got very anxious when there was urban night with a lot of African American people, as did many other officers. He was certainly not the only one,” she said

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“Our [club] is a predominantly Latino nightclub. With the Latino staff, the police kind of behaved in one manner, and then we had a predominantly African American clientele the way in which … the entire event was completely different,” she added.

“I would characterize it as skittish,” she said of the way Chauvin and other Minneapolis police acted around black people. “They would get very nervous very quickly and went to pull out the pepper spray with any little thing that might happen. They certainly acted very group mentality; they always had to call backup if any little tiny thing happened.”

There is one of two things going on here: 1) These folks are being honest; or 2) This is part of a campaign to paint Chauvin with the broad, Left-wing ‘cops hate all minorities’ brush ahead of his trial.

Time will tell. But trust me, we haven’t heard the last of the ‘surprises’ regarding this incident.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.