A poll conducted by Bright Line Watch and YouGov found that a substantial number of Americans want to secede from the United States.

Respondents were asked: “Would you support or oppose [your state] seceding from the United States to join a new Union with [list of other states]?”

The results found that support for secession has increased among every partisan group, but particularly among southern Republicans. Support amongst this group when polled in January showed that around 50 percent were in favor of secession; but the number grew to 66% when polled again this June.

Many political commentators and analysts believed that the height of animosity would be around the election and inauguration, and that it would have quelled by the summer. Obviously, this poll shows otherwise.

However, it’s not just Southern Republicans. In the Pacific northwest, 47 percent of Democrats also said they would prefer to secede, as well as 33 percent of independents, and 27 percent of Republicans. In the Heartland, 43 percent of independents want to secede, 34 percent of Republicans, and 19 percent of Democrats.

Overall, 40% of Americans want to secede, in some way, shape or form. This poll conducted by YouGov surveyed of 2700 respondents, and YouGov has a very good track record when conducting polling.

USA Today fairly recently noted, that the US is experiencing what they are calling “secession fever,” which is primarily manifesting itself in rural areas. The people who live in rural areas most likely want to secede because their states are dominated by people who live in large urban areas, with lifestyles and outlooks completely different to them.

The world seems to be cracking up, and entering into a process of balkanization. There are movements across the world that want to return to nation states held together by things like culture, tradition, religion, race, and ethnicity, which modern secular societies seem to go against. The question is, if these modern-type states will be able to hold together, despite the different warring groups in their nations.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.