Mainstream media seems to be beholden to Joe Biden, or perhaps President Biden is beholden to them, and therefore they work in tandem. According to a poll by Zogby Analytics, more than 60% of American voters believe that mainstream media is protecting Joe Biden.

The oldest president in the history of the United States does not face any difficult questions in press conferences, to the contrary, it seems they actually compliment him often, when they are not asking for his preferred flavor of ice cream.

When those polled were asked whether they think the media is protecting Biden by not asking tough questions – like the national debt – 62% of respondents said that they fully agreed.

Only 27% of the people that responded said that they completely disagree that the media is protecting Biden – they must be wearing rose-colored glasses in which to see their new President. 11% of those surveyed said that they were not sure.

The Zogby Analytics firm’s breakdown by party in this survey was: 37% Democrats, 35% Republicans, and 28% Independent / Unaffiliated.

The study has a confidence level of 95% and a margin of error of +/- 3.3 percentage points.

The Republicans and the Democrats agree on something: the press is protecting Biden.

The poll showed that the perception that the press favors Biden does not follow partisan lines. Even 55% of voters in his own party, the Democratic Party, agree that the mainstream media protects Biden. Only 34% disagree.

In fact, the Washington Examiner, published an article titled “GOP and Democrats agree: Press ‘protecting’ Biden”

“A majority of almost every sub-group agreed — strongly and somewhat agreed combined — that certain media were protecting Joe Biden by not asking him tough policy questions,” detailed the pollster Jonathan Zogby

When asked about specific questions, some figures were even higher. For example, on the growing border crisis, 63% of those surveyed said the media is protecting Biden.

Half of independent voters also believe that the mass media are partisan in favor of Biden, while only 34% disagree.

On one side of the political sphere, the numbers increase. 80% of Republicans agree and only 15% disagree.

In urban areas, 67% of voters in large cities believe that the media protects Biden. Only 27% think otherwise.

In rural areas this figure increases. 69% of the inhabitants of these areas consider that the mass media cover Biden and only 21% declared against this assessment.

Comparing consumption patterns, perception does not vary much either. For example, among people who shop weekly at stores like Walmart, 71% believe that the press shows favoritism for Biden, while 21% do not. And among people who make their weekly purchases over the internet, on Amazon (for example), the same percentage (71%) agree and 23% disagree.

That figure is also shared by Catholics. 71% agree that Biden’s image is sustained through the help of the press.

“While President Biden may seem to be on top of the world, and his numbers prove this, he might be suddenly in for more drama. The mainstream media is on his side, but how much longer will voters be on his side? If Biden does not deliver on infrastructure and Democrats lose their majority in the House of Representatives to Republicans, Biden’s popularity could take a hit and he could come tumbling off his pedestal,” Zogby wrote.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.