A new poll of nations throughout the globe has some interesting results for the left-wing activists who disguise themselves as politicians, journalists, and university professors who assert themselves to be the defenders of democracy. A survey commissioned by the Alliance of Democracies Foundation, which gathered over 50 thousand respondents from 53 countries around the world, found that 44% of respondents believe the US to be a bigger threat to democracy around the world than either China or Russia.

From the respondents, only 38% of them believed that China was a threat to democracy, and 28% believe that Russia was a considerable threat. Nearly twice the number of respondents believe that the United States is a considerable threat to democratic government around the world. Interesting, considering the idea that the United States has always considered itself a beacon to democracy and freedom in the world. It does seem that that perception is breaking rapidly in the eyes of citizens around the world.

The left-wing outlets such as The Guardian and Yahoo News which published the results, framed the outcome as a consequence of 4 years of Donald Trump and “rising political extremism.” The strange thing about that accusation is that Donald Trump in fact de-escalated US involvement in conflicts around the world, so it would be quite nonsensical to think that the Trump years have represented this massive shift in a US threat against democracies around the world. Unless most people are massively ignorant, which could very well be the case. Especially considering the Barack Obama years and the George Bush years.

The interesting thing about the poll is that it found that people who live in the most democratic countries around the world had the most complaints when it came to how their governments handled Covid-19, whilst people who live in countries who the West consider less democratic, had less of an issue with how their governments handled the so-called pandemic.

Only a couple of months ago, the French Government said that the “out-of-control leftism” ideologies coming out of the US, are threatening the French way of life, and this came from an already left-leaning European government, one can only imagine what more center-right or right-wing governments around the world may think about the intense woke ideologies coming out of the US, from academia, media and all kinds of entertainment.

French politicians, high-profile intellectuals and journalists warned that progressive American ideas — specifically on race, gender, post-colonialism — are undermining their society. “There’s a battle to wage against an intellectual matrix from American universities,’’ warned Mr. Macron’s education minister.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.