Though the presidential race is still undecided, we already have enough information and ‘data’ to make this call: Polling in America is officially dead and buried, having been taken over by left-wing hacks, liars, and propagandists.

Throughout the bulk of the election cycle we were bombarded with poll after poll claiming that President Donald Trump would lose to Democratic rival Joe “Basement” Biden by high-single to low-double-digits.

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In fact, one of the most recent ABC News-Washington Post poll had Trump losing Wisconsin by 17 points (at this hour, the state has been awarded to Biden but a) the Trump campaign is demanding a recount; and b) if the victory holds, Biden will have only won it by a less than a point).

Not only that, but the very same media pollsters had Democrats sweeping over Congress in a “blue wave,” padding their majority in the House and taking over the Senate so that Biden would have a clear path to implement the expansion of the Supreme Court, adding states (and blue senators) to the Senate, raising our taxes, enacting the budget-and-country-killing Green New Deal, etc.

Well, by late Wednesday we’ve learned that no such blue wave occurred. In fact, Republicans gained seats in the House and held onto the Senate, perhaps even expanding their majority by a seat or two when all votes are counted.

Here’s how wrong the Real Clear Politics average of polls and the polling ‘gospel’ at Nate Silver’s FiveThirtyEight were about the president’s polling numbers:

“A really rough night for polls and a disastrous night for certain pollsters such as Quinnipiac who showed Biden doing so much better,” statistician Josh Jordan tweeted.

‘Rough night,’ indeed. Maybe if pollsters were a little less ‘political’ and a lot more focused on actually sampling the public in a meaningful way, we could get back to accurate polling like we used to have.

In any event, some are already pronouncing the polling industry’s demise (and we’d have to agree).

The Daily Caller has more:

Republican pollster Frank Luntz declared that his profession would be “done” if President Donald Trump’s election night performance defied the polls.

Frank Luntz made his comments on Oct. 22 after Fox News anchor Bret Baier asked him about the polls, which significantly favored Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden over President Donald Trump.

Biden had an 89% chance to win compared to Trump’s 10% chance. based on polling data prior to Tuesday, according to FiveThirtyEight.

“I hate to acknowledge it, because that’s my industry — at least partially — but the public will have no faith. No confidence. Right now, the biggest issue is the trust deficit,” Luntz said, according to Fox News.

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“Pollsters did not do a good job in 2016,” he continued. “So, if Donald Trump surprises people, if Joe Biden had a 5- or 6-point lead, my profession is done.”

Hey Frank, we have news for you: You lost us at 2016. This year, the garbage polling only reaffirms why we left in the first place.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.