Like most other pollsters in recent elections, Frank Luntz hasn’t been very accurate, and yet that hasn’t stopped him from continuing to pontificate about the results of the presidential election.

But most of his comments haven’t come in response to the inaccuracies of his own projections or those of his colleagues, most of which claimed that Democrats were going to sweep government this year – a ‘blue wave’ prognostication that didn’t come true. In fact, Democrats lost ground – on the federal and state levels.

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In any event, in an interview with ABC’s “This Week” on Sunday, Luntz took the occasion to bash President Donald Trump’s claims that he won the Nov. 3 election, not ‘Sleepy’ Joe Biden – and that he’s got the affidavits and evidence to prove as much.

Saying that the president is “embarrassing” himself, Luntz when on to say the two far-left Democrats vying for the U.S. Senate seats of GOP incumbent Sens. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler are making serious challenges in the red state because of Trump’s claims.

“One of those races the Democrat has now gone ahead in the Ossoff/David Perdue race. In the other race, the Kelly Loeffler — she is dead even with the reverend. So the numbers have been getting worse over the last seven to ten days for the Republicans. They had a generic four-point advantage. That is gone because of the president. It’s amazing we’re talking about politics when there are still record numbers of people dying,” Luntz said, as though talking about people dying from COVID-19 would reduce the number of people dying from COVID-19.


But he wasn’t finished.

“The number one group that is averse to taking this vaccine that you talked about earlier are young Republicans. Instead of tweeting out the ridiculous stuff about the legislation or how he claims he won the election, the president should be telling at least his own people, if not every American, to take the vaccine, get the vaccine, be careful, don’t travel, don’t be going out,” he said. 

This president is responsible for the sickness and potential casualties because he’s not doing enough. Stop with the politics. Focus on the pandemic. Spend the last four days going out on a positive note and stop embarrassing yourself and the rest of the country,” he added.

It is simply unconscionable that this jerk would pile on Trump like a good little lib and blame him — not China — for the coronavirus in the same breath he talked about a vaccine that Trump is responsible for delivering in record time.

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As for Luntz’s claim that “young Republicans” are more averse to taking the vaccine than any other group, that is debatable, like his baloney 2020 election polling ‘predictions’ and those of his colleagues, for whom he apologized (while giving credit to the Trump campaign’s internal pollster, John McLaughlin, for being right).

These people are not simply lacking in humility and self-awareness, they are a big part of why most Americans simply do not trust them or our political institutions any longer. 

If anyone is “embarrassing” themselves, it’s Luntz and his pollster buds.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.