As readers are aware, the so-called ‘polling’ over the summer and in the run-up to Election Day in two weeks (from today…make plans to go vote!), has been suspect at best.

The country has been led to believe that a president, Donald Trump, who can admittedly be a little raw and overbearing at times but who nonetheless has amassed a rock-solid record of accomplishment while keeping his promises (Glenn Beck has an epic thread on this) is behind by double digits to a career politician, Joe Biden, who – in 47 years in Washington – has no record of achievement and can’t remember things.

None of that makes any sense. 

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And in fact, to one of the few pollsters who correctly forecast a Trump victory in 2016 is also predicting another one in 2020, albeit with a huge caveat: The president could ‘win’ Pennsylvania, only to have the state stolen from him. Yes, stolen.

PJ Media reports:

In a lengthy interview on the National Review “The Editors” podcast, the Trafalgar Group CEO Robert Cahaly told NR’s Rich Lowry that he predicts Trump will win the battleground states of Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, Texas. He said things are tighter in Wisconsin and Arizona, though Cahaly says Trump has the lead and will “probably win” in Arizona.

But, Cahaly says, there is trouble a-brewing’ in Pennsylvania.

“I believe Pennsylvania to be the number one state that Trump could win and have stolen from him through voter fraud,” he said. 

“Pennsylvania has had a lot of voter fraud over the years and giving people unsolicited absentee ballots is literally like giving voter fraud operations steroids. I think it’s the state he’s most likely to win and not get the votes from,” he added.

That’s horrible — but it’s true. And wouldn’t you know it, the garbage ‘mainstream’ media – which has done everything it can to gaslight about voter fraud, is doing the same thing regarding Pennsylvania, as evidenced by this Boston Globe story, “To win crucial Pennsylvania, Trump leans heavily on unfounded fears of massive voter fraud.

We and other independent media have literally been reporting all primary season and in the lead-up to November 3 case after case of problems and issues with mail-in balloting, including evidence of voter fraud.

In any event, Trafalgar sees Trump gaining fewer electoral votes this time around but nevertheless gaining more than the 270 he’ll need for reelection, including in key battleground states.

Regarding the mainstream media’s polling, PJ Media notes:

The Trafalgar CEO says conservative voters are five to one less likely to take polls than progressives – worse than even in 2016.” He said that reluctance by conservatives to take polls has moved from 4 conservatives for every progressive to 5:1 in just the past few weeks. People who hate Trump are glad to tell anyone, especially a pollster. That’s why he believes so many of the other polls showing a clear Biden win are wrong.

Other weaknesses, he says, are that Republicans are not doing well enunciating what they would (or won’t) do to ‘fix’ healthcare – which is amazing considering it was supposed to have been ‘fixed’ by Obamacare in 2010, and literally, nothing Obama and Democrats promised the Affordable Care Act would do has turned out to be right.

One bright spot: GOP Senate contender John James appears to be ahead in Michigan, which – if he wins – will mitigate an expected senatorial loss elsewhere (the GOP will pick up a Senate seat from Alabama too, by the way).


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.