If you, as a distant observer, thought that things could not get worse in Portland, Ore., in terms of the continual rioting and violence, well, you haven’t seen anything yet.

That’s because the Portland District Attorney just implemented a policy that will guarantee perpetual unrest in a city that apparently hasn’t had enough yet because residents there continue to vote for Marxist ‘revolutionaries’ posing as Democrats.

DA Mike Schmidt is following the path of George Soros-funded prosecutors in announcing that he won’t allow his office to prosecute any crimes “where the most serious offenses are city ordinance violations and crimes that do not involve deliberate property damage, theft, or the use or threat of force against another person.”

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In other words, only some violations of the law in Portland will count, while others – like, say, interfering with the duties of a police officer who’s trying to clear the streets of violent protesters – won’t.

Not even kidding.

On the new list of non-prosecutable crimes – and again, these are crimes that were passed by prior city administrations – are:

— Interference with a police officer;

  • — Disorderly conduct;
  • — Criminal trespass;
  • — Escape III;
  • — Harassment, when classified as a Class B misdemeanor;
  • Riot (“unless accompanied by a charge outside of this list)

“The demands for change go beyond a call for an end to police violence and encompass the need for us all to acknowledge and address centuries of racism and oppression,” Schmidt’s statement notes.

“As prosecutors, we acknowledge the depth of emotion that motivates the demonstrations and support those who are civically engaged through peaceful protesting,” he added. “We recognize that we will undermine public safety, not promote it, if we leverage the force of our criminal justice system against peaceful protestors who are demanding to be heard.”

Schmidt further argued that prosecutors not only need to “advance the safety of our community,” but also “promote economic and housing stability, educational opportunities, strong family and community relationships, and the mental and physical health of all those who live in our county.”

Really? So now, at least in his county, prosecutors are social workers, educators, politicians, and clinicians too? Makes you wonder if they signed on to wear so many politically correct hats.

Seen through that lens, the prosecution of cases relating solely to protest activities, most of which have a weak nexus to further criminality and which are unlikely to be deterred by prosecution, draws away from crucially needed resources,” Schmidt continued. 

“As stewards of public resources, we must devote our efforts to prosecuting crimes that allow us to protect our most vulnerable victims to have the greatest impact on promoting a safer community for everyone in Multnomah county.”

Schmidt not only just threw the entire Portland Police Bureau under a bus, he has sentenced the city to a never-ending cycle of riotous behavior, which will, at some point, begin to take a huge toll on the economic viability of the city and its taxpaying citizens.

If you live within the jurisdiction of this lunacy, you might want to think about getting out.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.