During an appearance on Sean Hannity’s radio show this week, the great Dan Bongino revealed that he has received “a clean bill of health” after completing treatment for Hodgkin Lymphoma in February.

In September of 2020, Bongino gave an emotional update about his health which had the entire conservative world concerned.

Thankfully, Bongino is now free and clear after going through intense treatment.

“Notice I’m smiling tonight. I’m all happy. I feel good,” Bongino told Hannity.

At the top of their segment, Hannity asked Bongino if he could share the “great news.”

“Obviously you’ve been very public about some health struggles,” Hannity said. “He’s gotten a clean bill of health. I couldn’t be happier for my friend, my fellow warrior.

Later in the day, Bongino stopped by the evening broadcast of Hannity and the two men briefly discussed the great news.

“I am still giddy over your health news,” Hannity told Bongino. “Thank you for sticking with me through the whole thing,” Bongino responded with a smile.

Watch below:


“We’re very happy for you, and we’re glad you’re back stronger than ever. Watch out, world, that man is full on Dan Bongino,” Hannity added.

“The octagon, me and you!” Bongino joked back

Later in the week, Bongino spoke with the Washington Examiner about his clean bill of health.

“I had a mass in one of my lungs that was detected just weeks after completing treatment for my Hodgkin’s lymphoma,” he said. “After some imaging, it looks like some scarring and doesn’t appear to be another tumor. I’m relieved.”

We here at Trending Politics are happy to hear the great news, and we hope to see a lot more of him in the future.

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"The Coca Cola company is not happy with me -- that's okay, I'll still keep drinking that garbage" -Donald J. Trump