Commentary by Clayton Keirns

The President Trump we all know and love is officially back.

Conservatives have missed “aggressive Trump” over the last few months. Many on Twitter have accused him of being reserved and unassertive. Some have said that is campaign would be doomed if he didn’t drastically change his ways.

Well, it appears those days are over.

Today was “Day 1” of his multi-state campaign tour this week, and the assertive Trump that we love to see was back in full swing.

We got to see “Campaign Trump” again, and boy did it feel good.

This is when he is at his best, and the Democrats should be very afraid. Not only has Trump seen crazy positive momentum in the polls over the last month, but he appears to be getting his rhythm down in a big way on the stump.

Watch below and observe his brilliant line of attacks against the Democrats, Biden and Kamala Harris. His message was simple, clear and concise.


In my humble opinion, Trump needs to be doing this every week.

I want to see THIS TRUMP every week in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Florida, Ohio, and Michigan.

Trump needs to be in full blown “campaign mode” if we’re going to steamroll Joe Biden in November, and I have a good feeling we will see exactly that.


"The Coca Cola company is not happy with me -- that's okay, I'll still keep drinking that garbage" -Donald J. Trump