On Tuesday during a speech at the United Nations, President Donald Trump hammered socialism, calling it the “destroyer of societies.”

“One of the most serious challenges our countries face is the specter of socialism. It’s the wrecker of nations and the destroyer of societies,” Trump said during the 35-minute speech.

In front of Venezuelan diplomats, the President said that President Nicolas Maduro was a “Cuban puppet.”

“Events in Venezuela remind us all that socialism and communism are not about justice, they are not about equality, they are not about lifting up the poor and they are certainly not about the good of the nation,” Trump said.

“Socialism and communism are about one thing only: Power for the ruling class,” Trump added. “Today I repeat a message to the world that I have delivered at home: America will never be a socialist country.”

WATCH some of President Trump’s comments below:


While President Trump was hammering the failed idea of socialism, a Venezuelan diplomat appeared to be completely ignoring the speech.

The President’s comments were also directed towards Democratic presidential candidates like socialist Bernie Sanders. Check out what The Hill reported:

While the president’s remarks were directed at Venezuela, the commentary also served as a thinly-veiled shot at some of the candidates seeking the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination.

Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), two frontrunners in the race, have supported policies like Medicare for All and the Green New Deal that Trump and other conservatives have blasted as socialist.

The president has made railing against socialism a mainstay in his campaign addresses, seeking to make the self-described Democratic Socialists Sanders and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) the face of the party.

Still, Trump has trailed in Sanders, Warren and the more centrist Joe Biden in recent polling of hypothetical 2020 matchups.

The United Nations event has been dominated by President Trump, especially with how he has handled teenage climate change activist Greta Thunberg.

On Monday, President Donald Trump responded to the 16 year old, brainwashed climate change activist after she scolded politicians at the United Nations for not taking action on climate change.

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Thunberg gave a dramatic, whiny, angry speech at the UN where she scolded politicians saying “how dare you!” along with claiming that “we are in the beginning of a mass extinction.”

President Trump hilariously trolled the angry little teen in a tweet by sarcastically saying, “She seems like a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future. So nice to see!”

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