It doesn’t look as though some troubling allegations of sexual assault against likely 2020 Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden are going to dissipate anytime soon, despite the fact that his party and the #MeToo mainstream media are doing their best to downplay or hide them.

Despite those efforts, however, a pressure campaign is mounting for the former vice president to Barack Obama to release all of his papers and documents from his many years as a U.S. senator, so that the country can determine whether former staffer Tara Reade’s sexual misconduct claims are valid, the Daily Caller reported.

Reade said that, following the alleged incident, she filed harassment complaints with three Biden staffers at the time, none of whom reportedly took any actions. She also says she filed a complaint with the “Senate personnel office” in 1993, The New York Times reports, adding that Reade stated she doesn’t have a copy of that complaint.

But if her story is true, it would mean that the complaint is likely held in Biden’s Senate records which are currently housed by the University of Delaware Library. The records cover most of Biden’s career in the Senate, but are being held secret until he “retires from public life,” The Daily Caller notes.


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According to The Washington Post, beginning in 2011 and onward, the university said it would keep Biden’s papers under seal “for two years after [he] retires from public office.”

The Daily Caller adds:

The collection of these documents fills 1,875 boxes and includes 415 gigabytes of electronic records, according to WaPo, containing committee reports, drafts of legislation and correspondence.

But the university announced that the records would not be made available shortly before Biden made his presidential campaign official in April 2019, WaPo reported. The university then said that instead of waiting until Biden departs from “public office,” the documents would not be made available to the public until two years after Biden “retires from public life” — or after Dec. 31, 2019, without defining what “public life” is.

Since the university is now serving as Biden’s gatekeeper, it’ll be up to him to decide whether he wants the institution to release his documents.

This all sounds familiar: Remember when his president boss, Barack Obama, ensured that his Columbia University records remained under seal?

In any event, this matters. As we reported earlier this month, Biden was hit with a criminal complaint filed by Reade with the Metropolitan Police Department in Washington, D.C. During a March podcast, Reade detailed the alleged sexual assault in which she said began after a supervisor called her into an office and instructed her to take a gym bag to the then-Delaware senator.

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“She said he was down towards the Capitol, and he’ll meet you,” Reade said. “I went down, and I was heading down towards there. He was at first talking to someone…and then they went away. We were in, like, the side, like the side area, and he just said, ‘Hey, come here Tara.’”

“I handed him the thing. He greeted me. He remembered my name. And then we were alone,” Reade continued. “It was the strangest thing. There was no like exchange really. He just had me up against the wall. I was wearing, like, a skirt, a business skirt.”

“It happened all at once…his hands were on me and underneath my clothes,” she continued. “Yeah, and he went down my skirt but then up inside it, and he penetrated me with his fingers, and he was kissing me at the same time, and he was saying something to me. He said several things. I can’t remember everything he said.”

Reade noted further that Biden asked if she’d like to go “somewhere else,” but she rejected that, leading him to respond, “C’mon man, I heard you liked me.”


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.