Why does the so-called “Prince” Harry feel the constant need to interject his opinions into American politics? He married a leftist actress, disavowed his family and legacy, left England saying he needed “privacy,” and now is living in the US, where he and his wife try to stay relevant by constantly criticizing his new country and now, he has gone far enough to criticize one of its founding principles, such as the First Amendment which protect the right of freedom of speech. Does he realize the complete and total historical irony in his statement?

He recently whined about how much “genetic pain” he has, and how difficult it is to grow up as a Royal. Surely, blue collar workers in both the US and his native England must appreciate his constant whining, especially elderly citizens who in their late 80s are still in need to work to pay their bills. But yes, Harry must have it so hard, since some of his multi-million allowance was cut-off in his late thirties, some, at least.

In his most recent statement, he said: “I’ve got so much to say about the First Amendment as I sort of understand it, but its bonkers.” Then he continues, “I don’t want to start going down the First Amendment route because that’s a huge subject and one which I don’t understand because I’ve only been here a short time,” he continues “but you can find a loophole in anything… you can capitalize or exploit what’s not said rather than uphold what is said.”

Prince Harry supposedly wanted privacy when he left what he described a life living like a zoo animal when he was a Royal. But his actions certainly indicate that he does not want privacy at all. He is blaming all white American men for the problems of the US, despite coming from a unique position of privilege over all of them, then describing his huge misery being raised by Prince Charles, and then calls the First Amendment “bonkers.” Surely, Harry, you must know that these actions are not going to get you that privacy you said you needed? Of course, he knows.

With his actions, Harry is clearly becoming a raging Marxist, where he denounces and hates his family to proclaim his own virtue. After all, it was Vladimir Lenin who said that one of the tenants of communism was hating one’s own parents if one’s own family do not abide by the tenants of communism, “We must hate. Hatred is the basis of communism. Children must be taught to hate their parents if they are not communist.”

And now, on top of denouncing his family for their lack of acceptance to his “woke-ism” and his need to run away from his Royal life into a Hollywood life, he is also disparaging one of the founding principles of the United States, which is the right to freedom of speech. He wants the privilege to have his platform and air out all of his “pain” and critique to the American society, while simultaneously prohibiting the rights of Americans who might not agree with him to speak freely. Is this the Hollywood Meghan Markle influence over his life? Or has Harry simply lost his way?


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.