Like every other Democratic elitist, former first lady Michelle Obama is a giant hypocrite who has a lot of trouble being honest.

In a video she released on Tuesday less than 24 hours after President Trump was discharged from Walter Reed Medical Center where he was briefly hospitalized COVID-19 (though he’s doing much better), Obama once again proved that the tradition of former first ladies keeping their mouths closed about the successor administration doesn’t apply to her (or her husband, for that matter).

In a dishonest attack, Obama blamed the Chinese virus on the president (of course), while falsely claiming he never took it seriously and did nothing to mitigate it.

“Right now, our country is in chaos because of a president who isn’t up to the job,” she said.

“If you’re a parent like me, you’re feeling the consequences of this president’s failure to take this pandemic seriously… from his constant downplaying of the importance of masks and social distancing… to his relentless pressure on schools to open without offering a clear plan or meaningful support to keep students and teachers safe,” she continued.

She then claimed without offering a shred of evidence that Trump is to blame for “willful mismanagement of the COVID crisis,” adding that he failed to act despite having “every resource at his disposal.”

“We simply cannot trust this president to tell us the truth about anything,” she continued — which is rich, considering her husband, Barack Obama, lied daily in office — about everything — like that was his job. 

She also blamed Trump for ongoing lockdowns around the country that were ordered, and are being maintained now, by mostly Democratic governors and mayors, with the express purpose of keeping the economic recovery to a minimum so as to hurt the president (elitists like her don’t care how much you suffer, you see; she’s got her fortune).

“It’s painful to think that months into this crisis, this is still where we are,” Obama said, “with no clear plan, no peace of mind. And the worst part is, it didn’t have to be like this.”

She went on to point out that European countries are doing much better than the U.S., though what she failed to mention was that European politicians are not trying to harm their countries or citizens with politicized data and policies.

“A man who had every resource at his disposal, the finest medical experts, our best intelligence… and yet ignored all the advice and failed to produce a plan to provide enough tests for worried families or protective equipment for our healthcare workers. A man who knew how deadly this virus is, but who lied to us, and told us it would just disappear… who, in the greatest crisis of our lifetimes, doubled down on division and resentment… railed against measures that could’ve mitigated the damage… and continues to hold massive events without requiring masks or social distancing, knowingly exposing his own supporters to a dangerous virus,” she said.

“Today, more Americans have died from this virus than died in the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, and Korea combined. Take all those lives bravely sacrificed… and double it. That’s roughly the scale of this tragedy. And our commander-in-chief, sadly, has been missing in action,” Obama claimed.

“But right now, the President and his allies are trying to tap into that frustration and distract from his breathtaking failures by giving folks someone to blame other than them. They’re stoking fears about Black and Brown Americans… lying about how minorities will destroy the suburbs… whipping up violence and intimidation—and they’re pinning it all on what’s been an overwhelmingly peaceful movement for racial solidarity. It’s true; research backs it up. Only a tiny fraction of demonstrations have had any violence at all,” she continued.

“So what the president is doing is, once again, patently false… it’s morally wrong… and yes, it is racist. But that doesn’t mean it won’t work.”

Trump literally has moved Heaven and earth to make up for the deficit of PPE and other emergency medical supplies he was left by Barack Obama and Joe Biden, both of whom were probably too busy planning their coup against Trump to worry about protecting Americans.

And let’s not forget it was Donald Trump, not Michelle Obama, who wanted to open the country back up on Easter Sunday, only to be pilloried and criticized by elitist millionaires like the former first lady.

Michelle Obama is a disgusting human being. That she would lie this president’s coronavirus response while he has the virus is pathetic.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.