Pro-abortion group Ruth Sent Us has seemingly dropped a clue as to which of the Supreme Court Justices it plans to target after the attack on Justice Brett Kavanaugh, and it seems that Justice Amy Coney Barrett is the one who drew the short straw.

The radical leftist group has posted up a call for demonstrations to be held outside of Barrett’s home and church in retaliation for current speculation that she will concur with the previously leaked draft opinion that seemed to indicate the Supreme Court was going to overturn Roe v. Wade, according to a report from Fox News.

Ever since the draft opinion, we’ve seen just how twisted and violent liberals can be when they feel their “right” to murder the unborn with impunity is threatened. These folks are willing to engage in all manner of violence in order to intimidate those on the bench into changing their mind about overturning the landmark abortion decision, which would return the right to regulate abortion back to the states.

In fact, the Fox News story says that the Department of Homeland Security released a report that stated the leaked draft opinion has resulted in a major wave of threats against officials and others, which has led to an increased risk of extremist violence.

That is not something you take lightly, especially after what happened to Justice Brett Kavanaugh this week. More on that in a bit.

“If you’re in the DC metro area, join us. Our protests at Barrett’s home moved the needle to this coverage,” the group stated in a post on Twitter.

Ruth Sent Us then specifically pointed out the Barrett family’s daily schedule, along with which school her children currently attend.

Let’s be real for a minute.

What these protesters are doing is making veiled threats against Barrett’s family and church to try and persuade her to make the decision they want, rather than one that is supported by the Constitution. It’s political extortion.

The pro-abortion group then wrote, “Falls Church is a People of Praise stronghold. She sends her seven kids to a People of Praise school that she sat on the Board of Directors for. She attends church DAILY.”

The tweet was published on June 8, not long after the early morning arrest of Nicholas John Roske, though before the arrest was first reported by the media.

Roske of Simi Valley, California, was carrying a gun, ammunition, a knife, pepper spray, a screwdriver, zip ties and other gear when he was arrested by Montgomery County Police Department officers Wednesday morning near Kavanaugh’s Maryland home, according to a criminal complaint,” Fox News reported.

Roske spoke to police and stated that “he was upset about the leak of a recent Supreme Court draft decision regarding the right to an abortion as well as the recent school shooting in Uvalde, Texas,” going on to say he believed Kavanaugh “would side with Second Amendment decisions that would loosen gun control laws,” according to an affidavit.

There was a small group of pro-abortion activists who gathered at the Barrett family home Thursday, waving banners and signs and doing little chants.

Stuff like “Your neighbor says post-Roe, we say hell no!”

Isn’t that adorable?

Maybe if you think a pack of bloody thirsty hyenas howling outside your home, drooling over the possibility of murdering their own children is cute.
