Earlier this week, Air Force Veteran & Pro-Trump social media star Topher was suspended for 7 days from TikTok for sharing publicly-known information about the police shooting involving Breonna Taylor.

Topher simply shared public information to his more than 500,000 followers on the platform, yet TikTok said he “violated community guidelines”.

As often is the case, no further detail was given. There was also no advice for “what to do different” next time. (How can they expect us to follow the rules when they don’t tell us HOW to follow the rules?)

Keep in mind, this kind of censorship is not just a TikTok problem. Conservatives all over Facebook, Twitter and Instagram have fallen victim to similar censorship.

The “community guideline violation” came after Topher posted a video which revealed facts about the Breonna Taylor case that the media doesn’t care to focus on. 

The video they took issue with spoke in more depth about the official search warrant on Taylor’s apartment.

“They didn’t serve this warrant just to find Jamarcus. They served this warrant to seize anything inside of her house related to drug trafficking. Wether it was phone, cpu, money, packages, you name it. And the police did consider her a suspect in this”, he said in his video.

Topher was in the middle of a multi-part series where he would debunk the media lies about this case piece by piece when TikTok suspended him for 7 days.

TikTok only suspended the video that shared details about the search warrant, but the rest of the videos are still live on the platform.

Look below for all 7 myths debunking the left’s portrayal of the Breonna Taylor case:

Topher is one of the most influential Pro-Trump voices on social media, and he is being unfairly suspended without being given any reason.

Make sure to follow him on YouTube, Instagram and Twitter to keep up with this developing story.


"The Coca Cola company is not happy with me -- that's okay, I'll still keep drinking that garbage" -Donald J. Trump