House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff has been leading the Democrats impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump, and it has completely imploded in recent weeks.

Aside from several of his own witnesses testifying that the president did not do anything wrong, now it appears members of Schiff’s own party are coming out against this witch hunt.

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New Jersey Democrat Rep. Jeff Van Drew appeared on Fox News and said he is concerned that Democrats appear to be trying to remove a legitimately elected president.

Van Drew said some Democrats have even grown tired of the partisan effort now taking place in Congress and said he will not vote for the so-called impeachment unless there is evidence that Trump actually committed a crime.

Van Drew said he usually acts in favor when talking about major crimes, but in the case of impeachment, said, “We don’t see that.”

“We see different small variations, rumors, discussions, someone heard something that someone else said,” Van Drew said, alluding to the words of Schiff. “I imagine I will vote no.”

Regarding how his colleagues have been handling the issue, Van Drew acknowledged, “There is a discussion among some of them in silence, in private, no doubt worrisome. (…) What I hear on the street from most people is that they are a little tired, a little tired, a little bored and really—the Democrats—want to move on.”

The Democratic lawmaker also said he’s it’s very unlikely that his party will change direction at this stage of the game.

”Many of us came to Congress because we really wanted to achieve goals, really work on issues like health care, work on prescription drug issues, electoral security, debt, deficit, the list goes on,” he said.

“We have spent millions of dollars, in my opinion, tons of money, tons of time, tons of pain, fracturing the nation. I have not seen that this is a good thing,” the congressman said, referring to what the preparations for the impeachment trial have involved.

Brand new polling shows that a majority of Americans agree with Van Drew’s comments and are against the impeachment inquiry, including Independent voters.

In one major poll, 47 percent of Independents actively oppose the impeachment inquiry. This figure is a 10-point increase from last week.

And, the cherry on top, support for the president has increased while support for impeachment has decreased in recent weeks.

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Most American see the Democrats for just what they are — partisan hacks who want to overturn the results of the 2016 election and they will stop at nothing to get their way.

The country does not support this attempted coup, and the Democrats will be punished severely in 2020 for this circus.
