They say, “One good deed leads to another.” Well, one act of public property defacement often leads to similar acts, as was the case in Washington, D.C., overnight during the ongoing protests regarding the death of George Floyd.

Last week in an outrageous act of defiance against President Donald Trump, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser ordered city crews and authorized ‘artists’ to paint a massive “Black Lives Matter” ‘mural’ on 16th Ave., leading to the White House. 

The mural, as it’s called, was part of her renaming the two-block region “Black Lives Matter Square,” a blatantly racist act that also involved gallons of yellow paint. We’re not sure how much debate there actually was within her administration, but what we do know is that Washington, D.C., is a constitutionally-established federal city that serves as the seat of government for an entire nation filled with men and women of all races and ethnicities – and their lives matter just as much.

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In any event, overnight more ‘street artists’ added to the Muriel Mural: They painted “Defend the Police” on the same taxpayer-funded street.

Breitbart News adds

Democrat legislators are under increasing pressure from their base of far-left groups of college graduates to shrink police powers, despite the huge toll that urban crime inflicts on working-class people who live in urban districts.

The renamed section of the street is part of 16th Street, which leads directly to Lafayette Park, adjacent to the White House.

Some Democrats are resisting the political pressure, largely because they know that any policy to defund police would prompt a police walkout, repeated looting, business shutdowns, and a massive loss of tax revenues.

The Democrats’ lax policy on crime in the 1970s caused huge spikes in murder and theft. The resulting public backlash allowed Ronald Reagan, the former governor of California, to win the presidency in 1980.

In addition to those truths, the fact that Bowser and her Democrat city council believe they can turn our nation’s capital into a huge memorial for one particular ethnic group is demeaning, insulting, and inherently racist. 

Very few people are in disagreement over the apparent injustice done to George Floyd. In fact, you could say that the near-universal demand for justice on his behalf is the most bipartisan, unifying thing that has happened to our country in years.

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So why exacerbate the division with blatantly partisan stunts like painting divisive and controversial messages on streets that all taxpayers fund? And how, exactly, will doing so bring back George Floyd?

The U.S. Constitution not only establishes a federal capital city – a ‘federal district’ – it give Congress exclusive jurisdiction over the city in “all cases whatsoever.” Since 1973, Congress has nevertheless granted certain authorities to local elected officials, but it still retains the authority to overturn local ordinances and exert control over many decisions.

If the Legislative Branch is still at all concerned about remaining relevant at a time when states and localities are shunning federal power through nullification, they will direct Mayor Bower to take those divisive messages off of the people’s streets. 

Let’s see if House Democrats have the fortitude to unify the country or if they prefer to keep us divided.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.