Jen Psaki, unlike the wonderful Kayleigh McEnany, isn’t the master of explaining things well, or even particularly truthfully. There’s the old “lies, damn lies, and statistics line,” but it might need to be changed to “lies, damn lies, and whatever Psaki is prattling on about.”

Though that’s been evident frequently during her time as White House Press Secretary, one of the most obvious examples of it came on Thursday, when Psaki claimed that Covid is to blame for the mass looting of retail shops.

That patently absurd answer came when Fox News reporter Peter Doocy asked:

“Big cities are dealing with smash-and-grab robberies, a record number of police officers have been shot and killed this year. What is President Biden going to do about all this lawlessness?”

Instead of giving a truthful, reasonable answer, Psaki responded by giving a winding answer that blamed everything from Trump to Covid. Here’s what she said first:

Peter, I would say that one, the president proposed additional funding in his budget over the funding that had been proposed by the prior president to increase and support local police departments, make sure we keep cops on the beat, and we ensure that local communities are working in partnership to crack down on crime and any dangers they see in their community.

So that’s one of the steps. We’ve also worked with a range of communities across the country on strike forces as you know – something we’ve talked about in the past. We’re continuing to implement that from the Department of Justice, but the president absolutely believes that community police forces can have an important instrumental effect in helping keep communities safe.

Then, Doocy followed up by asking “Does the president still think that crime is up because of the pandemic?” At that point, Psaki said:

I think many people have conveyed that and also one of the reasons that…one of the root reasons crime…root causes of crime in communities is guns and gun violence, and we’ve seen that statistically around the country.

Doocy, refusing to let her off the hook after her absurd answer, responded by asking, “So when a huge group of criminals organizes themselves and they want to go loot a store – a CVS, a Nordstrom, a Home Depot until the shelves are clean, you think that’s because of the pandemic?

Psaki didn’t back down either, saying “I think a root cause in a lot of the communities is the pandemic. Yes.”

You can watch the full exchange here:

So, according to Psaki, it’s not defunding the police, Democrats making excuses for looting and lawlessness, or the chaos caused by BLM’s rhetoric that’s to blame for hordes of criminals smashing into Louis Vuitton, Nordstrom, and other high-end stores. Rather, the blame lies with “the pandemic.”

By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
