During a fiery rant earlier this weekend on a Youtube livestream with former NBA player Kwame Brown, Judge Joe Brown went off on Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for their history of racism agains the black community.

The Judge, who called Biden a “racist dog,” also took the opportunity to slam Harris.

At one point during the interview, Brown recalled a time when he was in the audience of a speech that Biden have given where he referred to black children as “negro children” who are “like roaches.”

“Joe Biden, who got up there and when the speech he gave, I mean I was really offended. I heard!” Brown started. “And he said Negro Children are like roaches if they are allowed to integrate with the schools they will infest them and they will never be gotten out.”

“He said negros were like animals and they turned the streets into jungles,” Brown added.


The Judge also took the opportunity to slam Kamala Harris:

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