Kentucky GOP Sen. Rand Paul is sounding the alarm on two Republican senators who are, as he claims, “lying” to conservative voters.

While delivering remarks at the Save America Summit in Florida, Paul called for GOP Sens. Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins to be “ousted” because they are a “problem” for the party.

“This is our problem,” Paul started.

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“Seven Republicans voted to keep Obamacare. You remember John McCain doing it,” he said. “But here’s the thing: this is our problem.”

He continued: “We know the Democrats want to have socialized medicine and nationalized health care. But Republicans say they’re for it, we got to keep them honest. And you got to send home the ones that lie to you.”

Collins won re-election in 2020 and will not face voters again until 2026.

Murkowski, however, is up for re-election in 2022 and already has a formidable Republican primary challenge.

Republican Alaskan Kelly Tshibaka announced she will be challenging Senator Lisa Murkowski in the 2022 Senate primary after Murkowski was censured by the Republican Party for voting in favor of impeaching Trump last year.

Now, a new poll reveals that Murkowski is losing to Tshibaka by double digits.

A poll conducted by Cygnal found that Tshibaka has a 15 point lead on Murkowski, with 33.6 points compared to the senator’s 18.8 percent.

Democrat Al Gross polls at 17.6 percent and Alaska Independence Party John Howe polls at 5.7 percent, and an additional 21.1 percent of voters are undecided at this time.

Murkowski’s popularity has plummeted since she voted to impeach Trump, with only 10 percent of Republicans have a favorable view of her.

A whopping 87 percent of Republicans said they had an unfavorable view of her.

Meanwhile, 61 percent of Trump voters approve of Tshibaka, 61 percent of Republicans approve of her, and 59 percent of conservatives view her in a positive light.

“Lisa Murkowski is in a weak position as an incumbent could possibly find themselves in. A strong Republican candidate is poised to defeat Murkowski. Kelly Tshibaka is that candidate,” Brock McCleary, the vice president of Cygnal, wrote of this poll.

The Alaska Republican Party has voted to censure Republican Lisa Murkowski and will recruit a challenger to run against her in next year’s election.

The Republican State Central Committee voted in favor of the censure during a meeting in Anchorage after district-level officials passed a series of similar resolutions.

Kris Warren, the author of the resolution said in a statement, “We’re looking for somebody else to be our U.S. Senator in 2022, and somebody who will be more in line with the Republican philosophy.”

He added, “There’s a number of issues that the party has had with Sen. Murkowski for the last several years which really culminated in the conviction vote of former President Trump.”

Warren slammed Murkowski for her criticism of Trump, saying: “She’s repeatedly spoken out against President Trump over the years in spite of all the great accomplishments he had that helped the country and certainly helped Alaska.”

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When Trump spoke at the Conservative Political Action Conference recently, he announced that he would be campaigning against Murkowski in the 2022 Alaska GOP primary.

“I will not be endorsing, under any circumstances, the failed candidate from the great State of Alaska, Lisa Murkowski. She represents her state badly and her country even worse. I do not know where other people will be next year, but I know where I will be — in Alaska campaigning against a disloyal and very bad Senator,” he said.
