Sen. Rand Paul doubled down on criticisms of Dr. Anthony Fauci during an interview Friday evening with Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, saying he believes the Biden administration’s top immunologist is simply telling a “noble lie” to keep Americans masking in public even after they’ve been vaccinated against COVID-19.

“He is lying because he doesn’t think we are smart enough to make decisions,” Paul said. “His fear is if the vaccinating – if we quit wearing masks – the vaccinated will say: What the hell, I’m not wearing a mask either.”

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Paul’s comments come a day after he laced Fauci, who is also President Biden’s top medical adviser, during a Senate hearing in which he questioned ‘the science’ of Americans being forced to continue masking in public even if they’ve been vaccinated — which was the whole point of getting beyond masks and social distancing and other COVID restrictions.

“He lies to say the mask makes a difference when in reality he knows better,” Paul told Carlson. “He’s wearing two masks for theater. He is immune and he knows he will not get it but he’s not being honest with the American public.

“There are no news reports or scientific studies saying after vaccination that there is some sort of widespread contagion that people vaccinated are spreading the disease. It is just not true,” the Kentucky Republican continued. “What Fauci won’t tell you is he is telling you a noble lie.”

Paul added that the Biden regime now has to justify, using scientific data, why masks must still be worn by vaccinated, and thus immunized, Americans.

“My goodness, they need to present the proof – the burden should be on the government to show that someone who is vaccinated is getting it again and being hospitalized and dying or spreading it instead of the conjecture of Anthony Fauci that says someday you might,” Paul said, adding that Fauci behaves like he wants Americans in masks “forever.”

Fauci has expressed concerns about new strains of the virus reinfecting Americans and that’s why they should continue to wear masks. But as Paul noted, under that assumption, Americans literally would be wearing masks forever because ‘woulda, coulda, shoulda’ means anything can happen in the future.

“My response was someday the Spanish flu might come back so maybe we should always wear a mask because this isn’t as bad as the Spanish flu and a lot less deadly, but someday the Spanish flu is going to come back,” Paul said. “Why should we not wear a mask until we die?”

“When they mandate it, it is incumbent upon them that they should have to show the proof. There is no proof when you have been vaccinated or when you have gotten the disease naturally that you are spreading it. If there were, it would be all over the news,” he continued.

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The GOP senator went on to recount a situation in recent days where he was at a gym and was outed by a “Karen” who complained to managers that he wasn’t masked up.

“For goodness sakes, is this the world we’re gonna live in, where everyone’s reporting everyone and the Gestapo’s gonna come…and arrest you?” Paul said.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.