Probably in response to his pathetically low ratings, MSNBC “Morning Joe” co-host Joe Scarborough, once a Republican lawmaker from Florida, has become increasingly vitriolic in his criticism of his former party in recent weeks.

Now that President Donald Trump — once his favorite target — is no longer in office, Scarborough must figure the only way he can remain relevant at all, insofar as he ever was, is to scream obscenities and untruths at certain members of the GOP.

This week, he took aim at three Republican senators — Rand Paul of Kentucky; Josh Hawley of Missouri; and Ted Cruz of Texas — for daring to challenge slates of electors from states that unconstitutionally changed their voting laws immediately prior to the November election.

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Democrats have challenged electors three times since 2000, each time a Republican president was elected, and for far less (including the ‘Trump-Russia collusion’ lie many of them continue to push).

Nevertheless, when three of the Senate’s most conservative members object, that’s objectionable to Scarborough.

Only, he’s wrong; not all three of those senators did object, as Paul reminded Morning Joe on Wednesday.

Fox News has the details:

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., responded Wednesday to an on-air tirade by former Florida Republican congressman-turned-MSNBC host Joe Scarborough, who claimed Paul and other GOP senators want America to “forget” the Jan. 6 Capitol riot as they rebuff Democrats’ push to convict President Trump.

Paul told “The Story” that Scarborough sounded “deranged” as he accused Paul, Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, Marco Rubio of Florida and Josh Hawley of Missouri by name of being more concerned about “Senate procedure” than whether or not Trump incited political violence.

“This is what Rand Paul wants you to forget,” Scarborough said during his program, playing clips of the Jan. 6 Capitol Building riot. “This is what Ted Cruz wants you to forget … And I say never, never forget. Just like I said after 9/11.

“Call them by their name,” Scarborough added. “You’re out of your mind and you’re not a conservative.”

If anyone is having mental issues, it certainly isn’t any of those three senators, each of whom condemned the violence. As for Paul, he corrected the record.

In an interview with Trace Gallager, Paul first noted that if “anybody has ‘forgotten’ they’re a conservative, it’s Joe Scarborough.”

“I stood up and opposed [Trump’s] position on the Electoral College. I did vote to seat the electors. I thought the argument was wrong. I made that argument,” Paul continued. “Joe Scarborough is so unhinged now and so much a hater of all Republicans and things conservative that he doesn’t listen to the issues.”

Paul went on to say that Scarborough “has surrounded himself with sycophants” and has no interest in objectivity when it comes to presenting issues (and really, neither does anyone else on that network).

The Kentucky Republican went on to point out that not long ago our current vice president, Kamala Harris, donated to a fund to bail out rioters (and other criminals) in Minnesota. And he reminded everyone that the lunatic who shot and nearly killed Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.) in 2017 was a Bernie Sanders bro triggered by the Vermont socialist’s claims Republicans wanted to take away health care.

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“Not one time have we said … that you should impeach Kamala Harris or impeach Bernie Sanders because we’re much more fair-minded people,” Paul told Gallager.

“I’ll let the public decide who is right on that.”

Some of us already have, and it’s not the Democrats or their Morning Joe cheerleader.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.